smirke's cruiser


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2015
out of curiosity I just went and measured from the garage floor to the top of the back bumper. .........800mm. Just a tad tall

That is a decent height, did you end up with the 2inch lift (suspension) or did you go higher? it also might settle a little but won't drop that much.

bummer about the roof rack might need a pioneer platform or something similar, alternative is to take it on and off each time you go on a trip, most have about 6-10 allen key bolts on either side, so about a 30min job with the right drill and drill bit if you have two people?
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Yes, got the 2 inch lift and HD suspension. Even with the kids all in the back didn't lower it.
The drop hitch, as massive as it is, is still slightly higher than our neighbours hilux hitch, so we should be fine with drains, kerbs and especially round a bouts (They're my specialty)

Was originally thinking of the pioneer rack, but got talked into the tent one because of the kayaks and things falling off while driving on corrugations. May get the tape measure out. It's the rails that take it over height, as it would make the rack sit higher. I was looking at those other rails that someone on here has got (can't remember who though).


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2015
not sure if these are the rails you were thinking of @Smirke

they sit 50mm higher than the roof line and the rack itself bolts into the rails, so you can move it pretty easily and just keep the rails there if height is a problem.

IMG_4153.JPG IMG_4151.JPG IMG_4152.JPG


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Hooked the BWB and TPW together to see how level they were. Drop hitch worked great, even managed to get off our extra high kerb without gouging a hole anywhere!
Poly's had 15psi in them, but we will up it to 20psi as there is a 10 to 13 mm difference in the height between front and back (but low in front). May even lift the ball one notch.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
You know what they say @Smirke .... No pics it never happened!! ;)

And glad it was a simple fix!
Tried to post picture, but it says the file is too big. (Will try on iPad once it's charged up)
One other thing I did was to mount the table on the front bed so now it won't fall off when opening the top lid....hopefully.
And even though I wanted my box on the front ready for coral bay, my neighbour is going to give me a bit of security mesh to put where the spare was so I can put the barbecue and trolley on it. Will take a picture of it when I get it and put it on.

One thing I noticed when pulling the van was the car seemed to bunny hop,a little as we were going up a hill, then on the way home it was fine going up another hill of similar gradient.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
more info...........................??????????
I'd say it felt as though all the spark plugs weren't sparking, but it's a diesel,and doesn't have spark plugs! Made sure the van had full tanks, as I put a big bottle of Milton in them to help clean them out but we emptied them while checking levels and before driving home. But, it didn't do it on the way home going up the hill, maybe it just wanted me to put my foot down more. Or it didn't like the tanks being full.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Ok, discovered a work around when the phone won't post a picture......once said photo has done the streaming thing, take a screen shot of it on the iPad.
I'm on a roll today!

Also mounted the table under the front bed end. Will take a photo after taking car to respective 'bling' shops.

Maybe the car needed to warm up @bigcol . Will be testing it again Friday as need to take the van to get its Anderson plug.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Windows are tinted. My 1 hour job took 15 minutes! (pays to be there at 7.30, first in queue so 2 people doing 2 windows at the same time.) Now the car is at ORE for the day getting umpteen 12V sockets in it (they forgot I needed a lot). Cant get the 3rd battery as theres no battery housing until mid april. Oh well. Tomorrow is wheel alignment day then friday is anderson plugs on car and panda and the uhf radio install. Then I can worry about a roof rack. Looks like its the pioneer type so the car can fit into the garage.

Pictures when I get the car back tonight.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Got the car back and it looks good. They didn't do the Anderson as it took too long to do all the 12v and USB points. They also put a switch In to isolate the outlets in case one stops working.

Tinting on the front. Found out the privacy glass is darker than what it's meant to be. Came in at 68% where as the rules state it must be 70%. Oh well. Also found out there's no uv protection on them so that will happen after coral bay.

This set proved hard to find a home for as this side of the car has a cupboard type of thing where I can hide pressies, etc. put them in close to drink holders to allow max storage still.

The isolator switch. Need to open it to see what kind of fuses I need to get.

Centre consol. It came with one 12v bout with 2 older kids here with DVDs, phones, iPod, iPad, etc, we got 2 more 12 v and the double USB (each seat has a set of 12v and dual USB outlets)

Not sure if you can see, but I've only got 200mm to pal with before the car won't fit. Hmmm, looks like remove the rails and put a pioneer flat type on and get new mounting feet.

Also got another set of 12v and dual USB on the rear left side as well as an engel plug next to the useless PowerPoint.