Did al the boring stuff, poked around the house doing odd's n ends you can do on a rainy day like tidy the garage, fitted new latch's to wardrobe in daughters and spare room, trip to Bunning's to buy said latch's and picked up the mats for the little mod to van boot, played "Dad's Taxi" to drop/pick up daughter from friends place.
Today, made the most of rain free day carried out said
mod to van boot and pretty much did bugger all rest of the arvo when noticed the neighbour come to front door, he had got himself bogged in a very sloppy back yard trying to retrieve a trailer which was fairly light weight as it only carry's canoe/kayaks, Anyway head around with the PJ to see what we could do to get back onto terra-firma, rolled out a strap he crawled around in the slop to try and find the tow point on his car, car out I back to PJ in as far as I dare to retrieve the trailer, it to was soon back on terra-firma but with two very flat tyres it had sat in the yard that long, so out with the trusty ARB Compressor to save him a trip to the servo as he had to drop the trailer elsewhere.