Finally took the Expanda away for the weekend. The Navara Forum had their annual muster at Janowen 4WD Park, just up above Cunninghams Gap. Enjoyable weekend with a run along the Condamine River 14 crossings track. Due to lack of rain over the last 2 months the river was quite low and there was no challenge to any of the crossings but it was a fun run with a lunch stop at the Killarney Pub.
Back to camp where a gymkhana was organised. Not being in to vehicle destruction I was content to watch but no one broke their truck so was all good. Their were a number of attempts to climb some steep inclines right behind our campsite, some successful but quite a few did not make it, including a Patrol (not a member) who managed to bust a rear suspension component and a V8 Range Rover that was all noise and no guts.
Raining when we arrived Friday and it is just black soil country so, while there was no deep mud , the surface was as slippery as hell and I had to lock my hubs and use 4WD to park the van. Fined up Saturday and excellent weather for the rest of the weekend.
All in all, a great weekend, sitting around a campfire at night talking to a great bunch of people.
One of the Condamine River crossings
View of the campsite, our Navara only one in sight
Someone tried to be a bit ambitious, had to be winched out
Night time campfire