The one thing that sux about buying a new van....


Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
just my 2c worth. I love going to the caravan shows. Went to the Melbourne and Sandown ones last year and we will go to the one in Melbourne later this month.

At the first show, we fell in love with the Penguin which we bought several months later. I don't believe we would have got a better deal on the day at the show. The best we would have got was TV, DVD, fusion stereo. All things we didn't want or need.

One thing we found was the thermo cookers. Almost bought the first one we saw for around $400, decided to buy it later so we would not be lugging it around all day. Good plan, since just around the corner was another selling for around $300, then around another corner, they were some around the $200 mark. Then outside, in one of the accessory shops, there was one for $159. All different, all with pluses and minuses. So we didn't buy anything, it got too confusing. Two weeks later, Aldi had them for $99.00: 2 pots, extra cover, inbuilt heater with 12V and 240V adapter. Works great and we use it all the time.

By the time of the Sandown show, we had ordered the Penguin and went along to CHECK out things we might like to have, AND to have a look at other vans to check out features etc. Spent an hour looking around inside and out of a Penguin (sigh! over a month to go before we would have ours). We also spent 15 minutes or so just sitting at the table and dreaming about what it would be like when we had our own (sigh again).

Spent heaps of time checking out insurance, camping site providers (Big4 etc), tourist information centres, and accessory shops. Lots of great ideas, but, in the time available, we could not get to grips with all the details to be confident of making purchases. In the end this was a good idea, since what looks good on the day, doesn't always stack up when you get home and think about it with a clearer head. In a lot of cases, we already had solutions from our car camping days and our best plan, which worked well, was to make do with what we had and gradually evaluate what worked (almost everything actually) and consider carefully, one item at a time, over several months, what was needed, what were the possibilities before lashing out.

One example, my three cheap aluminum cooking pots bought before 1990 for less than $10 are still going strong. They are light, fit inside each other, take up very little space. We were very tempted to buy, at the show, some square, fancy, non-stick expensive ones which were over $300. We still talk about what a waste of money that would have been. We can put our old ones on the coals when needed and not worry. We wouldn't have done that with the expensive ones.

At Sandown, we bought the off-side shade cloth. It was marked down to $52 at the RV award store and was a genuine bargain.
The only other purchase was a small compact dishwashing tray for $12.

We also spent a lot of time looking at other vans. Potentially a bad move since we had already bought. But in our case, it was a good move. We compared a few potential candidates, and still came away convinced we had bought the van that was right for us. But, after several months, the second look was with more experienced eyes, and we were still happy.

Some of our most fun times have been making small purchases in the last months. A great small chopping board with a non-slip base from Target /KMart for $2. Light, white melamine breakfast and pasta bowls from a $2 shop for less than $1 each.

But also, we have trawled through our storage areas at home, and with different eyes, have found items that we forgot we had, and suddenly, in our new environment, were really useful.

In summary, my opinion: go to the show, soak up the atmosphere, enjoy the fact that you will soon have your own van. Look for great ideas on how you would like to set it up. Take heaps of notes, and brochures, and catalogs, talk to anyone that can help. We came home with kgs of material to read, and spent many many hours combing through it all. Take contact details. BUT don't get carried away with the moment and keep a very very steady hand on your wallet and credit card.


i have to agree, i feel i got a better deal on our van then had we waited for the show

i used to camp a bit back in Canada but haven't done it since I've been back here so dont really have anything i can transfer to the van unfortunately except maybe cutlery. going to go have a look at target (i pronounce it like its french tarjey lol) kmart and even aldi for plates glasses etc etc but like to see whats out there as well

the mrs wants to find books on where to go and things like that so its not just a buy fest... lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
It's always great to look, I usually get sensory overload....................I do find it's funny how some items with a hefty price tag, once you remove the caravan/camping specific brand label look exactly like the item I've seen at Bunnings/Aldi/BCF etc but with a more friendly price tag.
Shade screens at prices under $100 should be snapped up though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014

All good common sense....what works for one doesn't always work for someone else.

I remember years ago seeing new vans with washing machines....and saying 'that's ridiculous'. Now, of course, they're a common option.

But the spa bath I read about in a recent caravan book! I prefer the idea of the ute with the liner filled with the one in the ad.

I think I'll give the shows a miss this year...too poor...but I could take my surplus stuff to see if I can flog it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
if your looking to buy stuff (junk :) ) at the show end of the last day they reduce things so they do not have to take it home
Although by then a lot of stuff is gone.

Be careful about the show deals on things you can often find cheaper outside the show.
Also go around all the places first then buy.

ALDI has there camping stuff coming up soon so worth getting from them as well.

If you buy a AFK before annex it works out more expensive as the Annex place gets better deals on them, we have a Aussie Wide for this van been happy with it. It does take up a bit of space to carry


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I notice they have sullage hoses....why is it that every van we buy seems to have a different sullage connection and I need to buy another one.

I found the fabric bag I kept the old hose in...rarely used the hose...and it was carried on a mesh tray on the A frame so it was full of accumulated dirt and muck....and that was just the bag. The hose was so manky I tossed it so I might have to visit Mr Aldi.

I guess I'll see you lot there?

What are their covers like? I don't want one.....just curious as the price seems ok.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
I notice they have sullage hoses....why is it that every van we buy seems to have a different sullage connection and I need to buy another one.

I found the fabric bag I kept the old hose in...rarely used the hose...and it was carried on a mesh tray on the A frame so it was full of accumulated dirt and muck....and that was just the bag. The hose was so manky I tossed it so I might have to visit Mr Aldi.

I guess I'll see you lot there?

What are their covers like? I don't want one.....just curious as the price seems ok.

Hi @Dobbie,
they also have a rechargeable fan the costs ($60) and will weigh a heap less than an air conditioner and a portable generator.

Just think what could be done with the extra weight allowance and the money.

And they have a cheap Baby Q lookalike for $80.00. I jumped a bit too soon with the chip burner, oh well well.



Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
Got a call from vantec today my gut feeling is just buy the scotch guard cans and do it myself? 750 seems a bit rich?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Yep.. Two cans of scotch guard does two vans with some left over. Can vouch for it.

and the Scotchguard keeps the internals looking great and well protected spills were a bit of a fright but easily dealt with.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Yep.. Two cans of scotch guard does two vans with some left over. Can vouch for it.

and the Scotchguard keeps the internals looking great and well protected spills were a bit of a fright but easily dealt with.
Hi Dobbie,
are you talking about the 350g cans of Scotch Guard you can buy from Bunnings, Woolworths, or Big W for around $11?

What did you spray it on in the van? I suppose I would only need to do the two seats: bottoms and backs?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Yep. That's the stuff.

We sprayed the couch seats and cushions liberally!

Best to take them outside the van as it's easier and creates no smell or fumes inside. Do both sides and suggest you do it twice. Our Jayco seats etc were done ...twice. a bit of overkill...but I could stand on the seats, leave dust and dirt and it just sponged off. A wine spill also marks.

Cheap for $10.

While we're mentioning the big green shed...and because I'm reminded by what's emerging from our shed as we setup the van....check out the gas monitors and carbon dioxide monitors. Bunnings and others have them...some more sophisticated than others.

There's a thread on this forum and the strong message is ....get a gas and carbon dioxide monitor for the family's safety. Ours were never hard wired but have 12v plugs so we just plug them in when away and disconnect when not. It's an easy install that way, unless you're very handy, and had the advantage of being able to be transferred to another van. Hence, the shed camping gear storage reminded me.

Certainly worth checking out.

For the vanguard $$$ you can get a lot of safety...and have some change.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
No...I was working on the assumption that all those collapsibles were overpriced, but maybe I'm wrong.

I did look at a collapsible kettle once and couldn't see a use for us.

Aldi have the laundry's still bulky and needs to be stored somewhere. We just use one of those collapsible round hamper things.. $10 at Reject shop or similar, lightweight and easy to store.

Washing up thingy....again, bulky even if collapsible... I quite like the simpler jayco supplied one that sits in the sink. It works and has a place to live....also a good spot for storing spuds and onions so they don't smell in the heat.

Colllapsible Wash tub? Again, bulky and hard to store easily....we just use a large bucket with a good sealed lid and it doubles as a water container. We just add the washing powder to the bucket, throw in the dirty clothes, plonk it in the shower area- tied securely to the loo- and the washing is agitated and finished when we get wherever. Also, easy to use caravan park laundries...rather than stop gap cleaning methods.

I really can't see the value in those collapsibles....maybe I'm a dinasaur but the price and the size even when collapsed make me think someone's making a lot of money from creating a trend, a need when there are better alternatives.

but...I'm going to look at the fans, so I'll check out to collapsibles to see if I'm being too judgmental.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
you guys really arent helping me spend any money here.... :fish2:

we are, we are saving you some coin for bigger and better mods later

anyone used those collapsible bowls/containers?

yes, we have, not too sure on how successful, except, they aint in the Van

make me think someone's making a lot of money from creating a trend, a need when there are better alternatives.

like those yellow egg holders, last show we went to I would guess every third person was carrying them - what for? the eggs still break in them as well........
pack them better, and they wont break
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
oh dear...

i called australia wide annex, they gave me a price but said if i'm going to the show the price will be cheaper...
that sounds good


it is still a lot of coin to spend,

1) do you need it
2) will you use it
3) how often will you use it

after spending a lot on a Van, it does not sound so bad saying - "I also brought an annex"
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Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
that sounds good


it is still a lot of coin to spend,

1) do you need it
2) will you use it
3) how often will you use it

after spending a lot on a Van, it does not sound so bad saying - "I also brought an annex"

not sure we would bring it out for a weekend trip but longer ones when you want to get a bit of chill time after kids are down it would be handy...
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