The one thing that sux about buying a new van....


Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
Looks a particle of urine, you shouldn't have a problem.


ahhhhh Picasso, lovely pic

yes it explains

yes, should be a piece of the proverbial


Youll be fine....just borrow a car with flashing lights before you reverse to keep thr riff raff out of the way.

My neighbors already steer clear of me lol no one complained as I was jackhammering for 3 hours yesterday morning :angel:


Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
Caravan and camping show in a few days

Any suggestions on what I should be looking at?

Yes I'm asking for help to spend $$$

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Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
Park and free camping no plans of a block tour at this stage

This is my current list of things (asterix means not just looking)
*Yamaha 2.4kva genny
*Milenco towing mirrors
Rear view camera
Light weight crockery options
Levelling blocks etc
*Portable clothes lines
Inline water filters?

I'm just trying to get a list together so I don't get distracted with all the gadgets and forget to look st what we need


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I'm a gunna break it down

Park and free camping no plans of a block tour at this stage

This is my current list of things (asterix means not just looking)
*Yamaha 2.4kva genny
*Milenco towing mirrors
Rear view camera
Light weight crockery options
Levelling blocks etc
*Portable clothes lines
Inline water filters?

I'm just trying to get a list together so I don't get distracted with all the gadgets and forget to look st what we need

*AFK & Annex -
have a look at Australia Wide Annexes - they go a good product, with great service and at a good price
(yes I have one & the AFK comes with the annex

*Yamaha 2.4kva genny - not really required, get 150W solar - you will need to carry fuel for the genny - and you cannot fit to back of Van, so storage is a headache - yes, the Aircon will need it, but will you??

*Milenco towing mirrors - I would go either the Clearviews, or the cheap ebay ones - mucho betterer
I have the Clearviews, and never looked back (pun intended)

Rear view camera - Safety Dave does a good cheap one......... cheap............ - I have Polaris, more money, but worth every penny

Light weight crockery options - check out the local Vinnies Boutique - ect - sometimes they come up at those shops
also Big W / House of Target / local camping stores for prices and availability, gives you an Idea if something is cheap or not

Levelling blocks etc - these are sometimes on special at the shows, but, in 15 years, I've not used mine (keep forgetting where I hid them in the Van - I use blocks of wood - 250mm x 250mm x 50mm

*Portable clothes lines - yeah, got one here you can buy if you want - postage will be a killer - get a Stainless Steel (or like) cupboard door handle, screw it to the Awning arms, run a Stainless cable from one to the other - clothesline.........

Inline water filters? - the green shed has a better selection at a better price...........


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
should also say, Australia Wide Annexes come to your house to measure and quote - so you dont have to drag it all over the country side to get the best deal

they also come out and fit it and show you how its done

I am a very happy customer of theirs - yes........... but no affiliation..........
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
best thing to do, now that you have that list
do the ring around and get quotes,

get an idea of what they have V's what you need V's what you want

then, when you go to the show, you know if its good or bad
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Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
I'm a gunna break it down

*AFK & Annex -
have a look at Australia Wide Annexes - they go a good product, with great service and at a good price
(yes I have one & the AFK comes with the annex
I agree it's just a question of $$$ may have to go afk and add annex later not sure yet but noted

*Yamaha 2.4kva genny - not really required, get 150W solar - you will need to carry fuel for the genny - and you cannot fit to back of Van, so storage is a headache - yes, the Aircon will need it, but will you??
If you knew my mrs you wouldn't ask... lol also you have to remember here in south Australia electricity supply isn't something we rely on :drum:

*Milenco towing mirrors - I would go either the Clearviews, or the cheap ebay ones - mucho betterer
I have the Clearviews, and never looked back (pun intended)
My biggest gripe with clearviews is I lose the ability to auto tuck in my mirrors (I use that all the time) and can't see myself swapping mirrrors every time I go away... I do school drop offs and with clearviews they wouldn't last a week the LMB (landcruiser Mom brigade)would reak havoc if I didn't tuck my factory ones they'd be long gone lol

Rear view camera - Safety Dave does a good cheap one......... cheap............ - I have Polaris, more money, but worth every penny
This is another one that will probably get out on the back burner due to $$$$

Light weight crockery options - check out the local Vinnies Boutique - ect - sometimes they come up at those shops
also Big W / House of Target / local camping stores for prices and availability, gives you an Idea if something is cheap or not
Noted already starting to jot down pricing I can source to compare (for everything)

Levelling blocks etc - these are sometimes on special at the shows, but, in 15 years, I've not used mine (keep forgetting where I hid them in the Van - I use blocks of wood - 250mm x 250mm x 50mm
Good point but knowing me I'll end up with levelling blocks hahaha gadgets!!! And blocks of wood of course because I'll lose the levelling blocks :doh:

*Portable clothes lines - yeah, got one here you can buy if you want - postage will be a killer - get a Stainless Steel (or like) cupboard door handle, screw it to the Awning arms, run a Stainless cable from one to the other - clothesline.........

Glad you said that I was worried about the weight... but you reckon she'll hold?

Inline water filters? - the green shed has a better selection at a better price...........

As long as I'm allowed to purchase 2 snags in one piece of bread while im there I'm sold!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2015
Here is a pic of my washing line similar to what @bigcol describes
IMG_1515.JPG IMG_1511.JPG


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
@bigcol seems to have covered everything.....he's on a roll!


Why spend dollars on a generator? You have to pay real $$$ for a decent one...the cheapies are rubbish and not suitable for camping..carry it, fuel it and for what?... If you've got solar, you got free camping, with care, for a good few days. Longer free camping demands a little more care but you'd have to be in extreme conditions to need a generator.

The only reason , I can think of, for a generator is to alienate anyone camping near you. Go extra solar!

Levelling blocks are ok...I found mine the other day...and have actually used them a couple of times but they're heavy and not as versatile as wood.....and you can burn the wood and get different sizes easily.

Millenco mirrors? The best of a bad bunch but I gave mine away...the screws kept shaking loose so they were worse than useless. Others haven't found that....maybe I was unlucky.

Clothes line? Lots use the portable umbrella thingy ....we've never needed it but don't camp with kids. Their multiple clothing needs certainly add to the washing and drying needs. (We just string a line along the awning...sometimes look like a Chinese laundry but it works). Not for you, methinks.

Rear view camera? We've been pondering on this, investigating etc but hated the thought of an extra screen so were opting for a head unit. Before we ordered, we picked up the van, and rear vision was fine with the clearviews. and yes...they're a pain sometimes in urban areas but brilliant for towing. ...just what they're designed for.

and a general point.....keep the overall weight you're dragging in mind when doing the shopping list.

More gear is not necessarily the way to go, in my opinion. Camping is not a replication of home life, it's different and that's why we do it......Many pieces of gear we're tempted by are really unnecessary for most of the time you're away so I'd suggest you take it slowly, keep an eye on what you really need (rather than.." Wouldn't it be nice to have")

Have fun at the show....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Big Col covered it all.............................BUT !!!!!

AFK a must have...$350

Genny, have carried mine around for a million K's, never used except at home.

Clothes line, I use a length of para cord tied across the same spot, $2.

Mirrors that fit on mirrors are a pain, look at others.

Don't buy anything at show, unless you know what the prices are in the real world as you can get ripped off. my favourite online shopping joint, not only sell stuff but have great information.

Rear view cam get a 90 deg angle cam and you will be able to see things further than 2ft behind.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
also suggest.

We've sourced some good stuff from them.

On the caravan show temptation list we were talked into buying one of those yellow cable winders for keeping cables tidy....$30 from memory....took up far more space than the usually wound cable and had to be fully pulled out of the ring to use....a gave it away.

But on the positive side of temptation....we saw those rain savers demonstrated and had a good look at them. We adapted it a bit when we tried it out and it gives us much more free camping time, when it rains. It always rains when we're away! Our best ...three weeks of free camping...was then possible as we didn't have to go chasing water.

The 12v stuff they flog at the shows can often also be sourced much more cheaply ...if you know what you want.

and....don't go to the show thinking you only want a few little items and some inspiration. We did this last year and ended up buying a new van.

Expensive those caravan shows.......



Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
Here is a pic of my washing line similar to what @bigcol describes
View attachment 47909 View attachment 47910

That's awesome I was just worried about loading the awning with weight.

unless your planning on weekly washing, but even then, your awning has legs and arms that support it

Clothes line? Lots use the portable umbrella thingy ....we've never needed it but don't camp with kids.

its a pain in the ...
you have to peg it down, other wise with the weight, the wind will blow it over - every time
you might as well get one of these, as they are a little more stable


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
just my 2c worth. I love going to the caravan shows. Went to the Melbourne and Sandown ones last year and we will go to the one in Melbourne later this month.

At the first show, we fell in love with the Penguin which we bought several months later. I don't believe we would have got a better deal on the day at the show. The best we would have got was TV, DVD, fusion stereo. All things we didn't want or need.

One thing we found was the thermo cookers. Almost bought the first one we saw for around $400, decided to buy it later so we would not be lugging it around all day. Good plan, since just around the corner was another selling for around $300, then around another corner, they were some around the $200 mark. Then outside, in one of the accessory shops, there was one for $159. All different, all with pluses and minuses. So we didn't buy anything, it got too confusing. Two weeks later, Aldi had them for $99.00: 2 pots, extra cover, inbuilt heater with 12V and 240V adapter. Works great and we use it all the time.

By the time of the Sandown show, we had ordered the Penguin and went along to CHECK out things we might like to have, AND to have a look at other vans to check out features etc. Spent an hour looking around inside and out of a Penguin (sigh! over a month to go before we would have ours). We also spent 15 minutes or so just sitting at the table and dreaming about what it would be like when we had our own (sigh again).

Spent heaps of time checking out insurance, camping site providers (Big4 etc), tourist information centres, and accessory shops. Lots of great ideas, but, in the time available, we could not get to grips with all the details to be confident of making purchases. In the end this was a good idea, since what looks good on the day, doesn't always stack up when you get home and think about it with a clearer head. In a lot of cases, we already had solutions from our car camping days and our best plan, which worked well, was to make do with what we had and gradually evaluate what worked (almost everything actually) and consider carefully, one item at a time, over several months, what was needed, what were the possibilities before lashing out.

One example, my three cheap aluminum cooking pots bought before 1990 for less than $10 are still going strong. They are light, fit inside each other, take up very little space. We were very tempted to buy, at the show, some square, fancy, non-stick expensive ones which were over $300. We still talk about what a waste of money that would have been. We can put our old ones on the coals when needed and not worry. We wouldn't have done that with the expensive ones.

At Sandown, we bought the off-side shade cloth. It was marked down to $52 at the RV award store and was a genuine bargain.
The only other purchase was a small compact dishwashing tray for $12.

We also spent a lot of time looking at other vans. Potentially a bad move since we had already bought. But in our case, it was a good move. We compared a few potential candidates, and still came away convinced we had bought the van that was right for us. But, after several months, the second look was with more experienced eyes, and we were still happy.

Some of our most fun times have been making small purchases in the last months. A great small chopping board with a non-slip base from Target /KMart for $2. Light, white melamine breakfast and pasta bowls from a $2 shop for less than $1 each.

But also, we have trawled through our storage areas at home, and with different eyes, have found items that we forgot we had, and suddenly, in our new environment, were really useful.

In summary, my opinion: go to the show, soak up the atmosphere, enjoy the fact that you will soon have your own van. Look for great ideas on how you would like to set it up. Take heaps of notes, and brochures, and catalogs, talk to anyone that can help. We came home with kgs of material to read, and spent many many hours combing through it all. Take contact details. BUT don't get carried away with the moment and keep a very very steady hand on your wallet and credit card.

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Active Member
Jan 27, 2017
@bigcol seems to have covered everything.....he's on a roll!


Why spend dollars on a generator? You have to pay real $$$ for a decent one...the cheapies are rubbish and not suitable for camping..carry it, fuel it and for what?... If you've got solar, you got free camping, with care, for a good few days. Longer free camping demands a little more care but you'd have to be in extreme conditions to need a generator.

The only reason , I can think of, for a generator is to alienate anyone camping near you. Go extra solar!

Levelling blocks are ok...I found mine the other day...and have actually used them a couple of times but they're heavy and not as versatile as wood.....and you can burn the wood and get different sizes easily.

Millenco mirrors? The best of a bad bunch but I gave mine away...the screws kept shaking loose so they were worse than useless. Others haven't found that....maybe I was unlucky.

Clothes line? Lots use the portable umbrella thingy ....we've never needed it but don't camp with kids. Their multiple clothing needs certainly add to the washing and drying needs. (We just string a line along the awning...sometimes look like a Chinese laundry but it works). Not for you, methinks.

Rear view camera? We've been pondering on this, investigating etc but hated the thought of an extra screen so were opting for a head unit. Before we ordered, we picked up the van, and rear vision was fine with the clearviews. and yes...they're a pain sometimes in urban areas but brilliant for towing. ...just what they're designed for.

and a general point.....keep the overall weight you're dragging in mind when doing the shopping list.

More gear is not necessarily the way to go, in my opinion. Camping is not a replication of home life, it's different and that's why we do it......Many pieces of gear we're tempted by are really unnecessary for most of the time you're away so I'd suggest you take it slowly, keep an eye on what you really need (rather than.." Wouldn't it be nice to have")

Have fun at the show....

as for the generator, i need one anyway the amount of blackouts we are having over here lately is getting ridiculous almost lost my fish twice and had to empty the freezer once in the last 9 months... the yamaha 2400 is no cheapie it will do what i need it to do at home and run air con on the van if required

i dont want to annoy everyone at camp sites, however our main holiday time is peak summer 2-3 weeks at a time plenty of 40+ days and 30+ nights will be pretty hard with 2 little ones in the van, even if its until 9:30-10 to cool the van down after a hot day...

as i said above the clearviews just wont work for me at the moment i do like them but just not practical, maybe down the road if i'm camping enough to justify them being on full time

i dont have an issue with having stuff hanging off the awning, i was more concerned about damaging it, also if we end up getting an annex it may become a bit useless as it will be inside?

i'm sure we are going to end up with stuff we wont need, and not have stuff we do need i think thats a given.

i already have a list of stuff and prices i can source myself, so i will only be buying something if its a steal... also why i am going on the last day hoping to maybe jag a few "i dont want to bring this home" specials! :)