Not a bad idea offset on the passenger side would be perfect but not sure if I will be allowed to put a hitch on the frontMy previous vehicles have all had a tow ball on the front for those times when fancy driving is required.
Another possible help with the manoeuvring rather than replacing ....
Try a winch, bolted to the rear of the area you want to get to but be careful and make sure everyone around knows how to use it.
We had a heaviesh off road camper years ago and absolutely no chance of backing it into yet another driveway so grabbed a hand winch for a boat, attached it and one person steered and pushed while the other wound the winch handle. (we didn't know then they could be powered...we thought all winches had handles)
We thought of that for our current setup but realised the weight of the van was much greater and we couldn't find a suitable fixing point. Maybe we should have persevered, as it would have been cheaper.
Is that a possibility for you? @Ssil2000
I can't see a winch working the angle it would be coming cross camber and the winch would drag it into the fence I'd rather reverse it into the fence then winch it there