Put the BT in for a 30000km service this week and they sprung a cooling system recall on me. Apparently there is some chafing of hoses that have culminated in loss of coolant and knackered engines. They did the job no problem, refitted new hoses and sone kind of reinforcement and mounting thingy to eliminate the issue. What irked me was that there was no email or postal contact to inform of the recall. Hence, anyone who finds Mazda's servicing too expensive and chooses to use a capable, but very much cheaper 3rd party service company that still covers the warranty provisions, doesn't get to know about the recall and therefore are at risk of buggering up their mechanicals.
I normally find Mazda better than most other service departments i have dealt with on other marques, but got very peeved this time. They never touched the reverse canera issue that i currently have that has also stopped the reverse sensors from working.It will only be a connection issue as it s intermittemt, but because it was aftermarket ( who is daft enough to pay $950+ For an OEM reverse camera ?) they chose to ignore it and it is still non working after spending $500 on a service. A sideliight s still out and they missed that too. No doubt the apprentice they let loose on my vehicle just ticked the "checked" box and they got away with it this time.
Rapidly losing faith in big company ethos. I won't get caught again.