How many actually look at the GCM of the rig ?????? My Colorado has a GVM of 3150kg and a GCM of 6t and I reckon for me to put a 3t van on the back I would have to shed some gear out of the ute for sure to make the weights.
After looking at the weight specs of quite a few ute's I very much doubt that those who tow close to their max weight are under the GCM for their tugs especially when you have to add the ball weight into the payload of the ute. The bull bar, racks, tinny on roof, fridge in back, canopy, bodies, food etc bingo you are sure to have blown it....before you hook the van on.
Like on trucks there are a few boxes to tick before you get the gold star.
But you would have to attract the attention of the scallies I think for them to pull you over, a $1000 fine for overloading would have the Nomads screaming blue bloody murder, from the tree tops. If they applied the overload penalties as in QLD for trucks then over but not more than 5% of GCM, I think it is just over a grand for first offence, basically we used to say a grand a ton or part there of.
Actually getting me intrigued to do some weighing but that would mean a couple of trips over the bridge..tare for tug, tare for van, tare GCM then load them up and do it again that would mean about 5 runs, nah too much work and my old boss would probably get jack of me dodging trucks on his bridge.