Hi there.. That's interesting.
I've just had an email sent to me today advising that Jayco will NOT put shelves in the cupboard that I don't want the washing machine in. So basically, it will be just a huge open space, with no shelving. Go figure...
Pretty annoyed about a few other things too actually.
The 2 new 18's that were at the Brisbane show, have great big scratches on the floor in front of the new Thetford fridge. This is from the travel locking pin being too low, and when the fridge is constantly opened, it is wearing a semi circle groove into the flooring. When I picked this up and pointed it out, I asked if I could have the fridge raised, as there is currently a small cupboard above the fridge. My thought was that this could be transferred to the bottom of the fridge.
I get that it wouldn't be that simple, and to change the whole line because of this, probably wouldn't be in the best interest of Jayco. But when asked what could be done about it, I was simply told 'Nothing'. Rubbish really...
I could go on about a few other things, but that rant will do for now. Haha