So we just had the long weekend and fortunately took delivery of our new van only 4 days prior so off we go for 3 nights of off the grid camping at Upper Colo River. We had actually booked this before we even ordered the van and was going to take our CT.
Anyway some pics.
On its maiden voyage leaving home Friday
Set up in a nice spot. Not the one we wanted (we wanted the same as a previous visit) but it is first in first served and being the NSW school holidays some people had been there a while. Still good to try something different and it was closer to the river.
Some of the locals

A spot of camp oven cooking over a fire.
It was a great first up experience in the Expanda with one small issue (Jayco QC - the hot and cold water taps/pipes for the ext shower are the wrong way around) and another more concerning issue where I couldn't for the life of me get the fridge to work on gas. I have searched the forum but can't find an answer.
I chilled the fridge down on 240V prior to leaving home. I had the fridge on 12V whilst travelling. Turned on the gas at the bottle and followed the instructions on the fridge and as also shown and explained to me at handover 4 days prior and got the needle into the green zone but the fridge wouldn't cool. Ended up throwing our the perishables on Saturday. As we were only an hour from home I took off to get the ARB fridge from home and fit the aux battery, buy some more groceries and went back. I also took with me a T level that I hadn't fitted to the CT as I know gas fridges are finicky with levels. Levelled the van up and tried again and several other times over the weekend with no joy. Does anyone have any hints or tips.
When we packed up on Monday and left I walked around the van checking the hitch pin, chains, gas bottle off, legs up etc but had a nagging doubt there was something else. Drove away with a rattle wondering what it was. Got about 500m up the track and was watching my mirrors then realised I hadn't done up the roof latches oops.
The wife and kids loved it and so did I. Busy working out when and where we can go next. Only thing that makes this difficult is the kids play both summer and winter sports so it restricts it a bit.
What I did really like about this Expanda is that it didn't rain. Without a word of a lie whenever we took the CT out in the 3 years we used it (still have it actually) it rained at least once during any of the trips. It could be a 4 weeks trip or a 2 night trip, it would rain at least once.