Not kidding. Car was left with them and they used up what was in there on test drives, added 20 litres some days ago, and then they ran that out. Drives of up to 1.5 hours are needed sometimes to bring fault on. In case there was an internal tank problem and pump or pickup was drawing in some air they wanted permission to fill the tank to eliminate any possibility. Don't worry, I'll be having a colourful and animated discussion with their Management if they try it any further and I'll invoice them for lost rego, insurance, km's they've driven it, pain & suffering, prescription for Valium and any other trivial thing I can think of. Like I've said, if this really is a warranty issue then Ford pay for everything.
Definitley get your point, think i remember reading it in your thread somewhere now!
Sad to here, and you are right Ford should be paying for everything!
Also now see why you put it in the Joke section!