Everbody is raving over the new tread of the 764 Maxxis you can stand on a unfitted tyre and not bend the sidewalls ,those and the new b/stone 697 are our largest seller with zero complaints
Like the new st maxx CoopersEverbody is raving over the new tread of the 764 Maxxis you can stand on a unfitted tyre and not bend the sidewalls ,those and the new b/stone 697 are our largest seller with zero complaints
It sure did relgate a bit like any product I guess sometimes there is a million different views but I very happy with my decision. I'll post up my thoughts on them as the k's are clocked upWow CD, looks like you've caused a stir with the mention of those tyres! It's great we have so many experienced members to share their knowledge without being argumentative..
I'm looking at getting a new set eventually so I'll be interested in how you go.
Where are you planning to mount the UHF?
Nice choice relgate the main unit could be mounted either behind the glovebox or under the steering column on the supporting brace.I've gone for the handpiece GME. I'll mount the speaker/main unit under the dash, and put the handpiece either forward of the gearstick or perhaps in the arm rest centre console.
Over the weekend hopefully, but the tyres went on yesterday and the suspension turned up yesterday tooLooking good. Installing tonight?
Over the weekend hopefully, but the tyres went on yesterday and the suspension turned up yesterday too
I ordered the suspension 12:00 Monday arvo and they turned up yesterday (Wednesday) from Sydney :thumb:
The tyres look awesome. Makes a huge difference when you fill out those arches a bit.
:tea: relgate, yeh a bit of road noise but that was expected and my initial thoughts are I'm happy so far mate I can't wait to get give them a run in the hills.Tyres look great! :rockon:
What are the initial thoughts on road noise?
Thanks pace9908 I have 4 here mate that I'll sell off with 12,000 k's on them :thumb:Vyre nyce CD. Now i now where to go to if need any 17's.
It has slightly but it has actually corrected itTyres look great mate! Have it altered the speedo reading at all?
That's the same research I found to achjimmy and as the BT stands would be lucky to be 2.4T (2T standard) and I run around day to day with nothing in the rear. I wonder what tyre pressures the problem tyres were running?Cruza looks great mate.
On the Cooper debate I was very keen on the new stMax and did a Fare amount of research As I wanted them on the 200. Unfortnatley they were not avaiable in my 18" size with going up too far but I was looking at re rimming to 17" to accommodate. It seems they are splitting radally on a fair few Cruisers and the distrubtor says they have addressed the issue. But a lot of Paj guys on the forum are having no issues! my conclusions are they are probably not up to 3+ tonne of weight, but manage okay under this. Anyway hope you get a good run because tread pattern is a great compromise IMO.
OT but By the way the D697 do look road like but again don't seem to be an issue. Gus on the Paj forum has been doing a long term review, he is in Tarlangan and hits the VHC a lot and his opinion is they are good for everything bar full mud. i haven't got into much sloppy stuff yet and it's a different vehicle but so far they are as capable as the BFG ATs BT quieter.