3L Nissan Patrols..........


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
@Smirke . The Diff Lock.
Well believe it or not mine stopped working too. Trying to get up Big Red and prove to a couple of Hilux owners that Datto's could do anything ... Oh dear. All i had was flashing lights that it would not engage. When i first spoke to my dealer about it his was was ..........wait for it.....
" Patrols don't have a diff lock , they have never come out with them. It must be an after market product and not our responsibility." This instilled all the confidence in the world. I asked if he had a GU8 on the lot, he said yes. Trying not to wet myself laughing i asked him politely to go and have a look at that little switch just to left of the steering wheel. Low and behold a diff lock was found. This was the service MANAGER by the way.
Anyway, they said they couldn't fault it, till i drove it and said it shouldn't do that. He didn't know how it worked so they just replaced it. $1700 bucks worth.
ha ha ha. (not the 1700 bit though.........ouch)
ours works fine, its just the gremlins playing with the light switch. But yes, ours also didn't make it up a sand hill that a terracan and old pajero did. (he pulled us over it)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
@Smirke . 6G!!!! Tell them you don't want a gold plated one! I absolutely roasted my clutch on our 3 month trip away in the Gold Coast.
I knew i had .... never reverse up a hill with the van on the back without being in low range! Anyway we managed to get back to Adelaide with more of a horrible shudder, which meant i had more than likely wrecked the pressure plate. These are more likely to go before the clutch plate as it overheats the springs on them. I knew i was starting to feel the clutch slip when i hooked on my trailer, and as you drive (especially in 4th) you will see the revs increase approx 500rpm with no power increase.View attachment 30470 This is a pic of the flywheel
You can see the burn marks on it. That should be nice and shiney.View attachment 30470

The clutch plate isn't actually too bad, but the whole lot gets replaced. View attachment 30473

What bugs me is, believe or not, it is almost identical to what goes in a Porsche Boxter (similar performance i know!)
All they do is replace the clutch plate and pressure plate and just scruff up the flywheel with a bit of wet and dry sandpaper.
All this for $2000. Why Nissan have to replace everything is beyond me and everyone else. I hope you have success with their customer service department. I think they would be very surprised you have been quoted $6000.
yours looks just like ours, but we had none of those symptoms at all. Plus our flywheel was black. just a slight increase in revs going up a hill in 4th and changing between 3rd and 4th occasionally last saturday.
So should we be in low range reversing?? the only hill we reverse up is our kerb.


New Member
May 8, 2011
Adelaide SA
For me personally now. I now always reverse in low range with the van on the back. Up a hill or not. Cheap insurance, as i doubt Nissan will be so kind as to replace another kit for me! FYI, they had to do it twice as the first replacement the thrust bearing was stuffed. This all happened over xmas and new year. Great time to be without a car!
It will pay to get a second opinion too. See if you can get photos of everything, especially the fingers on the pressure plate. They should be nice a neat, and even without any "distortion" P1020391.jpg

i really hope it works out. And if Nissan want to slug you 6G, try a gearbox specialist. However getting the car there could now be an issue.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
thanks @b1900c . I should have taken photos of our dead one but forgot. I just hope it works out ok and is fine once fixed, with no more issues.
Still waiting to get our ESC and breakaway fixed on the van too. That went before just before chrissy. (van was only 1 week old!)


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I never noticed when my clutch went, we had been following 2 "over width" trucks at 40Km on Gt Northern hwy
when they turned onto Brand, like me I thought "Bugga"
when they turned off at Badgingarra, I noticed the clutch then, as it didnt want to go up that hill............ not without "burning smell"
by the time we got to Warramal, I had worked out the clutch was cactus, anything over 2500rpm, more revs, no movement.............

got the Van to Gerro, then turned around and drove home to get the Bosses car, by the time I got home to the swan valley, I couldnt raise the revs over 1500rpm without it slipping like mad
total cost.......
new clutch & parts - $800 (gerro remember)
got it fitted by Ultra tune Midland (DONT EVER GO THERE)
2 weeks, $1400, AND they set fire to the underneath trying to burn the bolts out they snapped

if @expanda would let me swear on here, it would be similar to -
"oh dear, the bounders have messed up my car, gosh, what ever shall I do???"

so moral of the story - Mr Nissan isnt always a tosser.......
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Rang car yard, no news yet. Hope that's a good sign. But means I'm stuck with a piddly little sedan for longer.
Boys upset as #2 son bought himself a surfboard yesterday and wants to christen it. Can't fit boys n boards into car.
Oh well.
(Thinking clutch may have been cactus from the start, as it always struggled up hills. Otherwise had no acceleration issues or power ones. Except when towing)


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
and you never used the "P" word, well done @bigcol.....................................never ever had a clutch problem with the Jeeperific.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
YAY, i got the car back today. Stalled it 3 times before I got it out of the dealership as the clutch is different to what it was. You just look at it and it drops to the floor, and the gear changes, WOW! It actually feels like a normal car when changing gears. No more workouts for me. However....if the revs are up and you are changing from 2nd to 3rd, the gear stick jumps out of 2nd just by touching the stick...hmmmm.
Then, picked the kids up and the first thing they notice, other than having the beast home, is the lack of clock on the radio screen. ...... another hmmmm.
So an email will be sent off letting them know, just in case, and to get them to fix the clock up. I reckon the clutch had problems from the start. Be interesting how it goes towing the panda wagon to coral bay in 3 and a half weeks.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
Good news @Smirke
Now to pack for coral bay :)
Already got the munchies packed. Open the top cupboards above the slide out and it looks like the chip n bikkie isles in coles or woolies!
And, even though we have a huge van, my rule remains. You only get to take 2 of everything (which means boardies, shirts n undies. Nothing else)


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
So did the cover the clutch under warranty @Smirke ?
Yes they did @cruza driver . Although it was the good will warrantee. I was expecting to pay for the labour but didn't pay a cent towards it. Only paid for the service, which thankfully they remembered to do. The guy I deal with didn't even charge me the $320 for the loan car $40/day), so I was REALLY happy.
Now all I need is for our rental property to get rented out to someone nice, and I'm set!
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