Our Silverline mods


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
the diesel heater is working lovely


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
As I sit here teeth chattering, 16 deg inside van, I am really thinking about a diesel heater...............just have to put the AC back on........


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Diesel heater had a problem while we were away , blowing smoke and then stopping with a error , so I took the unit out and pulled it apart . It has a mesh that the diesel is pumped through and was all clogged up also found the unit and exhaust was all choked up with carbon .
All cleaned and running fine and has not played up since .
Spoke to a mate who is a diesel mech and he suggested 250mil of kero per 10 ltr of diesel to help with frosty nights
And to keep it clean . Anyone try this ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Heard the same thing with the diesel heater ... especially when the tank may sit for a while.

We ski most years (when we're not swanning around Aus, do'in nuttin)

Ive also told by a few people to drive past the alpine diesel pumps and just pour a few litres of kero in the cars tank before filling it.

Did you get the Eberspacher?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
What was clogging the filter solid stuff or a mushy stuff, if its been a good minus temp then it could have waxed up in such a small tank even when running thats what the kero or winter diesel can help with and the sooty exhaust well it would have been running a bit ragged I can surmise. But then crappy fuel which has a bit of oil in it will do that to............of don't overdo the kero or you will burn out the nozzle or whatever they have as it will burn a touch hotter.
I think when I fit my future diesel heater I will insulate lines and tank but also make tank removable so I can give it a rinse if it sits around awhile.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Heard the same thing with the diesel heater ... especially when the tank may sit for a while.

We ski most years (when we're not swanning around Aus, do'in nuttin)

Ive also told by a few people to drive past the alpine diesel pumps and just pour a few litres of kero in the cars tank before filling it.

Did you get the Eberspacher?
No it's a Chinese one works quite good from eliexpress
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
What was clogging the filter solid stuff or a mushy stuff, if its been a good minus temp then it could have waxed up in such a small tank even when running thats what the kero or winter diesel can help with and the sooty exhaust well it would have been running a bit ragged I can surmise. But then crappy fuel which has a bit of oil in it will do that to............of don't overdo the kero or you will burn out the nozzle or whatever they have as it will burn a touch hotter.
I think when I fit my future diesel heater I will insulate lines and tank but also make tank removable so I can give it a rinse if it sits around awhile.
Hard to tell what was blocking the internal mesh it looks like it is a block of mesh all together but the internal head and exhaust was all caked in black carbon
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Now I know why I didn't get a diesel heater.....another job to do or remember to do!

Though it would be very worthwhile in the weather down south at the moment.

Stay warm....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Yep kero will cause it to burn hotter and stink too. Some people (me) get the sneezes with just the hint of kero so be wary. There is a alpine additive for cold climates besides alpine fuel. Some servos use the additive in there tanks rather than get it delivered so all good. A touch of chemtech won't hurt either I use it in the Cruza to stop algae forming long term which is the other bane of diesel.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Algae is only a problem if it's stored for a very long time mix in a bit of moisture but once it's there damn near impossible to get rid of it. As far as I know fuel supplied in the region from Goulburn to Vic, where the temps hit minus get winter diesel you don't have a choice, have heard all sorts of stories about the mix but never encountered any of the problems supposedly encountered and have driven trucks and other vehicles in the snow and ice, even after a few days buried in snow no dramas so treat all these tales with a bit of scepticism, have encountered yuppie skiers bringing their fuel for the Audi with them from Sydney and having wax problems though, gave them a lift to a phone, far easier than pulling out the toolbox.
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