Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Gone back to the future here, 10 ton of road base dumped in driveway, no Bob cat till next week. No good, I'll be fishing, started before 6, now only about 2 ton left, handraulic spreading, hell at 62 I'm too old for this.
That's my Gym work for the month, good morning all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Ain't it funny that lots of things happen at the same time?

And all seem to cause problems .....

I'm trying to replace a letter box....termites ate out all the wood...but so far have fought with the star pickets we used years ago to brace it....took 3 days of nibbling to get them out.

It's a hardwood post 1.8m and the milk churn hangs from that now have the new deep saddle concreted in but I'm struggling to get the holes drilled in the hardwood.

If it's not finished by tomorrow I don't care!

I think I'll call the letterbox "Rome" cos it wasn't built in a day. Other people might be able to do it, but not me.

I'm going camping.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
The Letter Box saga. It gets the better of most people.

Im remember when I built our first home didnt have one for ages, mail man used to put it at our front door so i never worried about it.

Unitl we got a new mail man. He wrote on our mail "LETTER BOX" every week. So i got a Star picket and a Ice cream containers and cut a hole in the front. Done! You would thing so, but NOOOO Mr Mail man didn't like that and wrote "NEW LETTER BOX ASAP"

I waited for him one day and said "Not good enough for ya, is it not a place for you to put my mail"
Mail Man "Yes but it's not secure and someone might still your mail"
Me - yes and I can walk next door across the road and take their mail because there mail box are not locked.

I told him Ill make a better one when i'm good and ready, He pinged my off.
So a few weeks later i built one that strong if a cat hit it the car would come off second.
On the inside is had rocks,bricks, steel covered in concrete.

In the new house I've got the builder to build me one straight away, not going through that again.

or you should go fishing.


Aka PhilD
Mar 16, 2012
Near Darwin
You've obviously got better mail people than us @caax . I got sick of our small one as they always left the mail hanging out the front. Just down the road is a group of Units and they were always getting that same happening and mail being taken and ripped up and strewn down the footpath past our place. Probably looking for valuable items. Anyway, I fitted up a milk churn style one and even opened up the slot for some A4 sized items but still we would find our mail sticking out the front. As for the stupid pamphlet delivery people, they would just roll up their collection and jam it in the slot when the box was quite capable of having it pushed through the slot.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Yep. Going fishing as well.

Re letter box saga....I've been a constant visitor to the local hardware and they were telling me about a neighbour who had a similar saga.

He made the thing so strong it wouldn't budge an inch and, like yours, would have repelled a Mack truck.

Then the neighbours complained that it was too rigid and therefore dangerous so council told him to adjust it!

Mine won't run that'll have a lot of give in it and I'll even give it away if it causes more pain.

It's just taken me 90 mins to drill one of four holes through the hardwood and, yes, I should use a bigger drill but the damn thing is stuck in the drill press and I can't get it out!

Drover's road base is starting to sound attractive.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
10 ton of road base spread with barrow, shovel, rake and one stupid old coot, 5 hrs including breaks. Not to bad really when you do it to a plan...
My letter box is 2 wheel rims welded together with the old pressure tank off bore welded on top, slot for mail and a little door at back, can hold heaps and the dingbat still can' t do it right.
Been thinking of painting it to look like a cartoon character, the name of which escapes me, blue duds, yellow skin, goggles ......u know.
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Aka PhilD
Mar 16, 2012
Near Darwin
Maybe I should start a thread "Bad afternoon" to counter this one :frusty:

Where we live we are on one street but our Son lives just around the corner but his place backs on to us and we have a common boundary of about 30 metres. This is convenient as caravan access to our back yard is through his place and makes it quite secure. There's another block in between us on the corner that we also own and is a rental. We recently received our Insurance renewals and are now lumped with separate amounts for flood coverage that wasn't there before. Previously we were under the NT Govt owned Insurance Office and they had a flat coverage for all events but the dear leaders we have sold them off and the new interstate owners have decided on values associated with the level of risk for individual properties. This would be fine if it was based of factual evidence. So, in our renewals for around here both ours and our sons property have the lowest level of risk apparently but the in-between one is high risk according to them and has a $2200 higher charge just for flood coverage. No maps or anything else to justify it were provided. As much as I don't want to abuse the staff member in the middle the stress level is rising rapidly. I've challenged the charge and late today they sent a reply. Somehow it is MY responsibility to employ a Hydrologist to write up a report, with references to 1 in 100 year flood possibilities to refute their assessment. This is in the middle of a suburban area but somehow adjacent properties can have widely differing flood potentials. If one was on a creek or river frontage and the next door one was higher up it might make sense but the nearest water way is in the next suburb and the 3 blocks are all on a very flat area.

Next week will be fun but may need to get a prescription for a large supply of Valium. My nickname of Grumpy will be lived up to and our local MP who was one of those who voted for the sell off will be having a visit.
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Dean Anderson

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
Isaac Region
Went a bit overboard with the offcuts from the deck and Gazebo...Too good to throw out....Hence the mailbox... Junk mail people didn't understand what the bit under the roof was for.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Sounds like we are coming to you @PhilD, bahahahahaha.....................after the floods we had in the Lockyer Valley all I had to do to get my insurance back to normal was inform them that if my place flooded they would have 100ft of water over their Brisbane worked, I was amazed.