What started off as a simple clean up of the dangly tank filler pipes has evolved into what feels like an all consuming rebuild of the entire plumbing system The adhoc way the plumbing is installed is asking for it to be damaged, plus it generally has annoyed the bejesus out of me.
Ripped the dangly pipes and then I was overcome with "mod fever'ittis"

became the ......

(some more to do with that yet)

Became this .....

freeing up a large storage area that I wall off from the hoses.

running all the pipes into the HWS/pump area where their better protected under the floor and importantly inside the chassis rail, not outside and looped under the chassis rail. Im pretty confident, when the mods are finished, that the tank connections cannot be damaged, and regardless of where we drag this van our water will be safe. Interconnecting pipes are exposed, but they are all higher than the tank connection which are enclosed

stuck this to the back of the water filler box to give it some substance

Click on sealed tanks filler points .... stop filling when the water comes out the breather

Ive added to the tank guard's width by sliding in a section on the kerb side
When the plumbing is complete and all connections fitted, Ill slide the original tank guard across to the kerb side chassis rail completely covering and protecting the tank connections, and the small section slid in at the other end will extend the width of the guard to fill the gap created at the other, road side end

Ive ditched most of the PVC waste pipe and I was initially going to replace it all with the 25mm clear, but Ive decided to replace it all with 25mm black garden poly pipe. Under full laboratory conditions I tested the 3 pipe sections by the universally accepted method of firing some 3inch framing nails at them in close quarters .... the first casualty was the PVC. Both the clear and poly took some dedicated and repeated accurate effort to penetrate. The poly is straight, fits through the chassis cross member sections, seems (from my testing) to be upto the task, is way cheaper, easier to work with, easier to replace and repair, and Im struggling to workout why Jayco use the clear .... which encourages mould anyway
Ive started replacing all the loops and bends on all the piping with elbows, particularly the John Guest. This helps a lot to keep the pipes from looping low and keeping them snug against the underfloor. I presume the elbows may be more easy damaged, but having the pipe sit higher should offset that a little.

The poly runs nice and straight, very easy to hide behind the cross members

Diesel fuel tank mounted to the tool box, yet to be fitted with a check protective cover
Still very much a work in motion with much more to do, but I think it will be worth the effort as far as protecting the underfloor pipe work