
Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
The front tank and plumbing is complete. No more dangly pipes
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No sure why Jayco would prefer to fit up this intriguing concoction when I purchased an appropriate tank connector without the requirement for the extra bits. Would have been just another shoulder shrug moment, but turned into a head shake moment because I bought the proper connector from the accessory shop at the Jayco factoryo_O
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Ive repositioned the tank guard, sliding across the protect the tank fittings and then fitted a gal filler piece at the other end of the tank
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Tank connectors all tuck up behind the gal tank guard now
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Changed the anode after 8ish months, but sealed along the join first ....... and no leaks into the van
2015-08-22 12.04.05.jpg2015-08-22 12.18.26.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Looks shmicko @Crusty181 ... When you heading West? Plenty of room under mine for you to crawl around :hail: :peep:
Might look at doing the sealing of the water heater but my "free" pvc pipe stopped any leaks :) It also gave me the option of blocking the end to build up pressure to try and force more "Goonk" out while flushing!!!! Wonder if I should patent the idea :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Looks shmicko @Crusty181 ... When you heading West? Plenty of room under mine for you to crawl around :hail: :peep:
Might look at doing the sealing of the water heater but my "free" pvc pipe stopped any leaks :) It also gave me the option of blocking the end to build up pressure to try and force more "Goonk" out while flushing!!!! Wonder if I should patent the idea :bounce:
Thats my next ponder ...... how do you flush the Goonk out, theres a lip under the anode hole?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Curse you again @Crusty181 , damn those pics look good. I really have to do similar with mine so it looks cool for all those people that crawl under my van to gawk........................................have to wait till I get back home though, in about 2 the way, I don't think the clear plastic makes any difference to goobers in the plumbing, before I left home had to sort out under the house sink and heaps of goobers living there, no sunlight ever. My plumbing is covered in underbody paint now anyway, sort of went mad with spray gun, so might just leave it.

Damn it looks good though........why is it all so shiny, do you polish underneath or something???.........................have to take a run to see what falls off ????


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Just like Wear clean undies with no holes , just in case you get hit by a bus and go to hospital.?????
Spot on. Great advice ... and a clean hanky. No good ER Dr will touch any causalty patient wearing manky undies, who is not in possession of a clean hanky. Mum would be proud
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
Geez @Crusty181 it started as a pipe dream I guess and grew from there, mine are on the list once the re-colour is finished and thanks for some fantastic ideas, (and the re-wire) oh and the cabinet re-work. My filler pipes are back to front, but hey so is the gauge inside, I like to use the rear tank first then the front, last trip I was thinking mmmm something feels a bit strange until I workrd out everything is back to front and the rear tank was full and the front empty. Yep good old Jayco yet again, but once I presonalise it things should be good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Bahahahaha @DRW at first I thought you were replying to Crusty181's post above,lol.................I actually think we should have a get together in Victoria, camped at the end of a nice slightly muddy dirt road ti inspect his van.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Bahahahaha @DRW at first I thought you were replying to Crusty181's post above,lol.................I actually think we should have a get together in Victoria, camped at the end of a nice slightly muddy dirt road ti inspect his van.
Ill come in your car .... and bring some photos for you to look through
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Geez @Crusty181 it started as a pipe dream I guess and grew from there, mine are on the list once the re-colour is finished and thanks for some fantastic ideas, (and the re-wire) oh and the cabinet re-work. My filler pipes are back to front, but hey so is the gauge inside, I like to use the rear tank first then the front, last trip I was thinking mmmm something feels a bit strange until I workrd out everything is back to front and the rear tank was full and the front empty. Yep good old Jayco yet again, but once I presonalise it things should be good.
It started out as a little tinker to tidy up some stuff, and has developed into
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Ok. Finalised the bulk of the re-plumb today, with just a few tidy ups and some sealant to finish it off. Tool box is fitted along with a 150mm and 90mm pipe behind the tool box. The diesel tank is attached to the car filler side of the tool box, and protected inside a alum guard.

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Had some clearance issues with the jerry can holders ... one of the only draw backs of the Mighty Navara is the tight turning circle which almost jack-knifes on the extended draw bar. This pic is after doing just a 180deg turn

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Had to re-designed the gas bottle frame and jerry can holders, but my trusty son who lives near the steel supplier got plastered last night and I couldn't contact him to get the required steel.

I may live to regret this next brain wave. Ive ripped out all the waste piping, and re-plumbed all the entire waste system and directed all 4 wastes into a single combined 40mm outlet. I had a look under a mates Safari caravan and found a single 40mm waste pipe running from the washing machine on the rear kerb side, transversing across the back of the van to become the water outlet. All the waste pipes tapped into it, thought it was good idea so I modified that idea to fit the Jayco. Im pretty happy with the design and confident it will work better than original (finger crossed) ... and all out of one outlet. (or Ill be spending twice as much time under the bloody thing replacing all the original pipework)

Ive built into the design a couple of simple offset dips, bends and junctions to avoid waste passing the outlet and making its way up the waste pipe coming in for the other direction kind of a simple non-return ... particularly for the washing machine which pumps out under pressure, and might have fired my socks up through the shower drain and straight up my ar$e.

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I removed the 2 plastic consertina doors and replaced them with house curtains, and I removed the glass sliding shower screen doors and replaced them it with a shower curtain. Minimising stuff to break, and an all up the weight saving is up toward 30kg, which I can add to the booze quota

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