Victorian Police Caravan Blitz


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Well can be the Guinea pig.

I saw some photos of yesterday's Victorian inspection and was pleased to see they had what looked like scales placed under each wheel and the jockey wheel.

I'll be interested in what else they cover. You may get some sort of report so you'll be able to rest on your halo and see if others get a pass mark.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
God, I can imagine the line up of nomads at Hervey Bay, hell it would take 2 weeks as there would be a couple of much as I would like to participate I think I will pass on it, might just keep an eye on dates they want to do them bit hard when no dates or venues ...I would actually like them to do a good tyre kick of the rig, water tanks empty and no junk just to make sure.

Of course the Conspiracy Mob will declare that van numbers will be noted for later on and a flag will come up when a camera detects it and the car with the maroon lights will wave it in, a few months down the track of course, purely a coincidence.......................
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
but surely they know you represent many many interested souls....


When were you hoping to get inspected? Do they let you know or do you just hope they'll be able to get to your place in the waiting list?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
Just got a reply from the organisers to say they are booked out and I will be put on a waiting list. >:(

fer forks sake

how do you book in - then later get told they are booked out............ something fishy in Denmark

I am assuming (because you did not say) they have not given you an alternate date
are you supposed to sit waiting patiently for the call, and rush right down to get it done......

what a dogs breakfast it is turning out to be
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well if our Labor Government has anything to do with it, it will certainly be the biggest dog's breakfast since Kevin and Julia were mates.................Gold Coast and Hervey Bay would have about 70% of the states vans I reckon and they will all line up to get their gold star to show at bingo bt if it goes pear shape wait for the howl, some bloke called Fred will surely do a beat up....................oh it's a can of worms.......
Damn I'm a miserable coot today boys and girls, I better go to the beach to chill out I think.........................shouldn't read the paper and read all the moaners and groaners carrying on in the letters column.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
North Rothbury
Well if our Labor Government has anything to do with it, it will certainly be the biggest dog's breakfast since Kevin and Julia were mates.................Gold Coast and Hervey Bay would have about 70% of the states vans I reckon and they will all line up to get their gold star to show at bingo bt if it goes pear shape wait for the howl, some bloke called Fred will surely do a beat up....................oh it's a can of worms.......
Damn I'm a miserable coot today boys and girls, I better go to the beach to chill out I think.........................shouldn't read the paper and read all the moaners and groaners carrying on in the letters column.
Couldn't agree with you more @Drover - depresses me too when I turn on the radio or read the paper and hear what is happening in the world - we (not the people on this forum) have become a narcissistic lot of $&@!??s!.
Retired one year now and loving it - just have to disconnect more from the world outside.
Perhaps drink more whisky...


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
That works...or helps. The Whisky, that is.

I have to agree my grumpiness starts every morning when I read the paper and listen to the news.

So much so, that we now have a house rule that we can't share grumpy thoughts until we've found one positive thing to say about the news and the world.

I lasted about two hours at the weekend.......and I was really looking.

I liked the cartoons.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I used to be the same - and a bit of a News Junkie - always checking the latest news on whatever site

then I thought

sod it, why ruin my day from others stupidity or laziness

have not read the paper in years
very rarely go to or CNN

and I am much happier about it


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I also find I stay away from other van/vehicle sites now, the stupidity and arrogance of some on them just p$#@s me off, such a nice place on here, gives a good start to the day.................even the those poor souls who support the blues and dislike XXXX are tolerated.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
113 usual.

I had to visit one of those sites, chasing some info and finally found what I wanted but......the naivety of some is frightening. .....Coupled with the arrogance and patronising of some of the gurus.

The old message acorns keep raising their heads but are often not simply answered and are used as an excuse to crow about themselves. ( Whoops, mixed metaphors)

It left a bad taste in my mouth....and it wasn't the scotch.

Ah well, I can obviously avoid those visits.....and will.

and....there wouldn't be the need for a caravan blitz if owners, manufacturers and dealers did the right thing more often! I simply can't understand why a caravan buyer would enter the world of caravanning with little knowledge or understanding of the issues involved....or at least spending a bit of time trying to find out, via reliable sources.

This forum, thankfully, adds to the knowledge base and I appreciate the help I've been given on issues I have had little,or doubtful, information on.....and I certainly hesitate to offer advice on things I still don't know! There's quite a bit of that......

Utopia I come......and at a slow rate.



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I'm getting closer to Utopia ....just found some very sensible and useful information on one of the other forums.

Maybe I'd better join, then I'd have no time for anything else.

so......I'll eat my words.

GOF over and out.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
rather interesting fact when you think about it
• 71 caravans were weighed across 2 days.
• 2 drivers knew all their ratings.
• Most had an idea of what their maximum allowable weight was (ATM) but were confused about how to manage weights.
• 3 knew what they actually weighed.
• 41 were overweight in one or more ratings (ATM, GTM, Ball weight).
• 5 were overweight by more than 20%.
• The majority of those spoken with were surprised at how heavy they were and had under estimated their actual weight.

Recognising that the sample from the weekend is not huge, if we were to apply a simple extrapolation of those figures to the wider RV community of over 600,000 registered vehicles across Australia,
only 25,000 will actually know what they weigh.
More troubling, out of the remaining 575,000 drivers who have little to no idea about what they weigh,
nearly 350,000 are likely overweight in at least one category.
Worse is that around 42,000 are, in all likelihood, overweight by more than 20%.
Remember that is just RV’s. Consider drivers towing boats and other heavy loads and you can start to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.

the mind starts to boggle when you look at it that way