rather interesting fact when you think about it
• 71 caravans were weighed across 2 days.
• 2 drivers knew all their ratings.
• Most had an idea of what their maximum allowable weight was (ATM) but were confused about how to manage weights.
• 3 knew what they actually weighed.
• 41 were overweight in one or more ratings (ATM, GTM, Ball weight).
• 5 were overweight by more than 20%.
• The majority of those spoken with were surprised at how heavy they were and had under estimated their actual weight.
Recognising that the sample from the weekend is not huge, if we were to apply a simple extrapolation of those figures to the wider RV community of over 600,000 registered vehicles across Australia,
only 25,000 will actually know what they weigh.
More troubling, out of the remaining 575,000 drivers who have little to no idea about what they weigh,
nearly 350,000 are likely overweight in at least one category.
Worse is that around 42,000 are, in all likelihood, overweight by more than 20%.
Remember that is just RV’s. Consider drivers towing boats and other heavy loads and you can start to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.
the mind starts to boggle when you look at it that way