We're probably preaching to the converted but a bit of common sense by authorities wouldn't go astray.
I guess all we can do is encourage as many as possible to at least try to come to terms with what the whole issue involves....payloads, GCM etc etc
The information required is out there, motoring groups etc publish it but I'd like to see them take a much more positive role in emphasising the payload issue.
As said numerous times, as long as vehicles continue to be advertised as "tows up to 3,500 kgs" rather than stating that that vehicle has a payload of 560kgs and if you add a bull bar, a steel roof rack, a boat, a set of drawers, a fridge, some camping gear.....and the passengers and include the ball weight.....then that 3,500 kgs is severely reduced.
Ah well, we can but try.

and I think I'll cease rabbitting on about it as we seem to say the same thing time and time again.
2017 is, hopefully, my year of shrugging and getting on with it.