Your confused........................ Read the post again, You won't get fined just because the plate is stamped higher than your tow cap its the figures on the scale........ I was referring to the ATM being lowered to match a vehicle tow capacity, the rated ATM only governs the max weigh of the unit, if the tugs tow cap is less than the ATM/GTM then it is on the operator to ensure that the van weight doesn't exceed the tugs tow cap/GCM and a miriad of other load points like the rest of us.................. of course in the real world if your tow cap was 2.5t you wouldn't be able to even tow a modern van with an ATM of 3.2t as even being fully empty it would be too,lol,lol.....
and yep
@Crusty181 , its in the fine detail, dropping ATM would chew into load cap as the base line load can't be really reduced....... Now can it be increased with out drama or another saga to go thru ?????/
Now I am