Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Ok Cane Toads, (and take heed the rest of Oz) forget the latest hype about us poor sods in Mexico. Check out this video showing the current state of the road northward bound around Goondiwindi. Welcome to the jungle folks, get you poo ticket stock up and lock yourselves in for the long haul; in a word you're f*@ked as well. The only significant difference btw you and us will be the timing

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Ok Cane Toads, (and take heed the rest of Oz) forget the latest hype about us poor sods in Mexico. Check out this video showing the current state of the road northward bound around Goondiwindi. Welcome to the jungle folks, get you poo ticket stock up and lock yourselves in for the long haul; in a word you're f*@ked as well. The only significant difference btw you and us will be the timing

Ironically with Queensland shortly full with almost all the Victorians, Victoria will be empty and a safe haven from Covid, all borders protected by the other states, us not spending a cent. The bad news is Queensland has secured the border, locked their own gates, and effectively locked themselves in with all the zombies. Better get yourselves a streaming subscription, and binge watch the Walking Dead, to scrub up on defence tactics.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
it is going to get very nasty soon as regional towns in NSW and QLD start reporting positive cases which are traced back to Victorians.
Worse will be when some of those Victorians are found to have got through illegally.

Even worse still when some of those residents die from it.

Expect signs up all over the place. Shops and service stations refusing to serve vehicles with Victorian registration plates. Cars and vans vandalised. Local Councils closing free camps. Picket lines at camping grounds.
People are scared and they will soon become angry.

You should read some of the vitriol posted on FB by the "entitled" Victorians who are upset at not being welcomed in small regional towns.

There will be confrontation between residents wanting to avoid catching the virus and those who feel they are "entitled" to travel wherever they want regardless of the consequences.

Not saying it is correct. Just expressing how I think it will play out.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
does the 7 day pass into Qld have to be renewed every 7 days?

If so, Qld has the option of changing the conditions for renewal at any time.

If the poo hits the fan, they can, in theory, not renew these passes for Victorians who only got in with a 7 day pass and empty the State of these Victorians in 7 days.

take care

Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
I'm just looking at that video Crusty and the one I feel sorry for is the poor bugger in the concrete truck.
It will be set hard by the time he gets to his destination :D:D
He would have that barrel doing double speed I'm sure
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Ironically with Queensland shortly full with almost all the Victorians, Victoria will be empty and a safe haven from Covid, all borders protected by the other states, us not spending a cent. The bad news is Queensland has secured the border, locked their own gates, and effectively locked themselves in with all the zombies. Better get yourselves a streaming subscription, and binge watch the Walking Dead, to scrub up on defence tactics.
I had some similar thoughts.

Given the attitude of some of those going up that don't give a toss about anyone else, I also thought that there would be an increase in the percentage of people left in Melbourne who will be compliant. Less selfish pr&*icks in Melbourne can't be a bad thing.

Anyway, as long as the ramparts at Fort Crusty and Fort Mike hold up. We should be ok.

Listened to all three albums by Men at Work last night.

Tonight, I am watching a rock concert staged in Paris last year by 1,000 musicians. I watched short clips of Highway to Hell and We Will Rock You. Gave me goose bumps.

If anyone is interested:

take care


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
does the 7 day pass into Qld have to be renewed every 7 days?

No, once issued it is valid for 7 days so you have 7 days from date of issue to cross over after that time you will need to reapply to cross the border, I understand that once here you don't need to renew.... Its a Border Pass. BUT once here if you present symptoms and don't get checked you will be in all manner of Poo and I think Anna will certainly make the rest of your stay unpleasant....

I think most of those nongs limed up in traffic will probably say they are surprised at the amount of people wanting to cross, they must live under a rock or just be plain stupid............ more likely both.

Should send a Cop down the line and say go away and don't come back because youv'e all passed the Idiot Test and we don't need anymore idiots, they breed quite well here in QLD by themselves.

I have my HAT and Banner just need a sign to say I live outside SE QLD and I'm good to go.................No, thats just too Bogan, I will leave them at home, anyone wants to argue I have words I can use to disarm them.......... amongst other things.............



New Member
Jun 8, 2020
What most idiotic people do not realise is that the majority who have the Lurgy from Victoria do not have the same white colour skin that I have, so to the I’ll informed from these small towns who are scared $hitless it is majority the in-breds who come over here on a plane and either cannot speak English properly or love Halal food who still had there massive gatherings and cannot abide by the Australian rules, Hence the Islamic school out Weat who has over 200 cases at the 1 school and more family members.
Oh well I have red hair and am used to having rocks thrown at me.
I’ll just take a dump in there doorways if they refuse to serve me fuel.
No, once issued it is valid for 7 days so you have 7 days from date of issue to cross over after that time you will need to reapply to cross the border, I understand that once here you don't need to renew.... Its a Border Pass. BUT once here if you present symptoms and don't get checked you will be in all manner of Poo and I think Anna will certainly make the rest of your stay unpleasant....

I think most of those nongs limed up in traffic will probably say they are surprised at the amount of people wanting to cross, they must live under a rock or just be plain stupid............ more likely both.

Should send a Cop down the line and say go away and don't come back because youv'e all passed the Idiot Test and we don't need anymore idiots, they breed quite well here in QLD by themselves.

I have my HAT and Banner just need a sign to say I live outside SE QLD and I'm good to go.................No, thats just too Bogan, I will leave them at home, anyone wants to argue I have words I can use to disarm them.......... amongst other things.............

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Two hundred young people lined up cheek to jowel outside Sheaf Hotel double Bay.NSW.Hotel now fined,why not start fining these younger idiots.There is really not much hope if this continues happen.

agree. They should also be fining the security guards and cancelling their license.

Fining the hotel that relatively tiny amount is no deterrent. They would have made ten times that amount during one night.
Shutting them up for 2 or more weeks in the first instance. Loss of license with no appeal on the second instance.
Major fine for the manager in the first instance, mandatory jail term for the second instance.
The punishment has to be much larger and more inconvenient than what they will get by ignoring the rules.

$5,000 fine for the hotel in this instance. $1,536 fine for anyone breaking social distancing laws in Victoria.
I can be fined $1,536 for knocking on the door of my neighbour to check that they are ok!
It just doesn't make sense.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
These stories of Not Welcome here are more than likely like last time, just a beat up by the media and done by some DH's who you would probably jump the gutter to run over anyway............. If its on Faceache or other trash sites them it would certainly be reposted by gullible DH's.
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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
it is going to get very nasty soon as regional towns in NSW and QLD start reporting positive cases which are traced back to Victorians.
Worse will be when some of those Victorians are found to have got through illegally.

Even worse still when some of those residents die from it.

Expect signs up all over the place. Shops and service stations refusing to serve vehicles with Victorian registration plates. Cars and vans vandalised. Local Councils closing free camps. Picket lines at camping grounds.
People are scared and they will soon become angry.

You should read some of the vitriol posted on FB by the "entitled" Victorians who are upset at not being welcomed in small regional towns.

There will be confrontation between residents wanting to avoid catching the virus and those who feel they are "entitled" to travel wherever they want regardless of the consequences.

Not saying it is correct. Just expressing how I think it will play out.

take care

I hear what you are saying @mikerezny and hopefully it won't come to pass. Nobody would want to complain to me about about delays about getting into Queensland. If it takes 3 hours to get to the border check point and another 30 minutes to be checked, then suck it up buttercup. If you don't like it or want to go through it, then stay away. We don't want you here possibly infecting us!! Rant!! Rant!!! Rant!!!
On a more sane outlook, I think it will be a miracle if Queensland can hold the line and keep out the virus with so many pressing on the border.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
What all of us have to remember we are fighting an invisible foe.Worldwide.! This virus will not dissapear quickly.Our personal freedoms may/will have to be curtailed to fight it .I think this rush to open up everthing will come back to bite us hard if everybody does not take it seriously.Nice talk is not working / understood by many half brained idiots.Australians either let the virus run its course ending up like US ,Sweden,UK etc or we fight it hard.If we fight it hard ,mikerenzys thoughts are spot on.I am totally bewildered by the ignorance shown by many people re this virus ie either it doesnt exist,wont effect them ,or do not give a stuff attitude seems to prevail.!,My doctor a few years ago reckoned 40% of his patients were brain never listened how to get their health back on track.etc etc. I. now tend to believe him.!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
and sadly 86 people have died on our roads nationally in May and hardly a peep........
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
and sadly 86 people have died on our roads nationally in May and hardly a peep........
Hi @Drover,
interesting comparison.

There has NEVER been any attempt to completely eliminate road deaths. The solution has always been to just suppress it.
They could almost eliminate it by building better highways, reducing speed limits, installing devices in vehicles to make it impossible to drive while drunk, affected by drugs, or driving for more than two hours without a break, etc, etc.

We have been conditioned over many many years to accept suppression with regard to road deaths as long as there is some attempt to reduce the numbers.

The difference is that road deaths do not spread exponentially and the cause is usually easily identifiable and steps can be taken to prevent further repeats when a common cause is found. Driving while under the influence of alcohol and then drugs, seat belts, eliminating black spots, driver fatigue, speed and red light cameras, using mobile phones, etc, etc.

A virus spreads exponentially and does not necessarily kill the person transmitting it. One person can infect hundreds of other people. Look at cases in choirs, cruise ships, meat works.

Yes 108 deaths in Australia from the virus compared to 89 from road deaths in May seems out of step compared to the present panic.
But we have generally done well in Australia, mainly because we are an island, and with the exception of Victoria (quarantine hotels) and NSW (Ruby Princess) stopped most of the virus from spreading.

The 108 could easily now be 10,800 or more if we had followed the examples set by the leaders in the US, UK, Brazil, Netherlands, or Sweden.

But, unfortunately, the steps taken to suppress the virus have to continue. Otherwise we will just delay the exponential increase and all the initial restrictions that worked will have been in vain.

Exactly the same for road deaths. Having successfully reduce road deaths even with more vehicles on the road driving more kms, the tactics used must continue.

Can you imagine the effect of allowing unsafe cars on the road, allowing people to drive without seat belts, no policing of speeding, running red lights, no checks for driver fatigue, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and no attempt to build safer roads, no licenses.

At least while we are behind the ramparts of Fort Mike we hopefully won't die from the virus or a vehicle accident.
That suits me just fine at the moment.

take care


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
They are similar in some ways though. We have traffic rules, expert advice on safe driving, and pleas for (un)common sense - but people being people think that is bureaucracy gone mad and it wont happen to them. Just this week there were reports in the news that a poorly loaded new van near us rolled over after a speed wobble.

A few % of us worry about the impact of our driving on others - working truckies, load weight, driver fatigue, etc but it only takes a few unthinking drivers to up the road toll - and spread a virus


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hi @Drover,
interesting comparison.

There has NEVER been any attempt to completely eliminate road deaths. The solution has always been to just suppress it.
They could almost eliminate it by building better highways, reducing speed limits, installing devices in vehicles to make it impossible to drive while drunk, affected by drugs, or driving for more than two hours without a break, etc, etc.

We have been conditioned over many many years to accept suppression with regard to road deaths as long as there is some attempt to reduce the numbers.

The difference is that road deaths do not spread exponentially and the cause is usually easily identifiable and steps can be taken to prevent further repeats when a common cause is found. Driving while under the influence of alcohol and then drugs, seat belts, eliminating black spots, driver fatigue, speed and red light cameras, using mobile phones, etc, etc.

A virus spreads exponentially and does not necessarily kill the person transmitting it. One person can infect hundreds of other people. Look at cases in choirs, cruise ships, meat works.

Yes 108 deaths in Australia from the virus compared to 89 from road deaths in May seems out of step compared to the present panic.
But we have generally done well in Australia, mainly because we are an island, and with the exception of Victoria (quarantine hotels) and NSW (Ruby Princess) stopped most of the virus from spreading.

The 108 could easily now be 10,800 or more if we had followed the examples set by the leaders in the US, UK, Brazil, Netherlands, or Sweden.

But, unfortunately, the steps taken to suppress the virus have to continue. Otherwise we will just delay the exponential increase and all the initial restrictions that worked will have been in vain.

Exactly the same for road deaths. Having successfully reduce road deaths even with more vehicles on the road driving more kms, the tactics used must continue.

Can you imagine the effect of allowing unsafe cars on the road, allowing people to drive without seat belts, no policing of speeding, running red lights, no checks for driver fatigue, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and no attempt to build safer roads, no licenses.

At least while we are behind the ramparts of Fort Mike we hopefully won't die from the virus or a vehicle accident.
That suits me just fine at the moment.

take care
As long as you dont drive round and round the carpark of the commission flats, with the window down collecting pedestrians... neither the car accident nor the virus should get you


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I was just pointing out the fickle nature of people in general............ You read far to much into my simple comment....... I think but maybe thats what I meant, nah people in general while nice are mostly sheep...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
As long as you dont drive round and round the carpark of the commission flats, with the window down collecting pedestrians... neither the car accident nor the virus should get you

A worker at the Woolworths in Mount Waverley tested positive yesterday.
We were in there last Saturday.
It is getting closer.
Now 13 active cases in the Monash LGA. It has mostly been less than 3.

take care
viruses are lurking everywhere
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