You're sounding like one of these state premiers who think they can eradicate the virus. Not a hope in hell. It will not disappear until there is a vaccine. Just got to learn to live with it.
We where down to 40 cases in Melb on June the 14th. So we would off been almost clear from it by now.
Then they let it out of hotels. Different DNA so they know it escaped hotels.. Latest Genomic or whatever testing has beed hidden by Dan.
Sutton already spilled the beans where he said looks like it all came from hotels.. Then he been told to shut up.
Labour or LIbs they play politics too much. Lets have an inquiry so no one can get to the truth.
Not saying LIbs whatever his name is do better.. Although please just stop hiding your mistakes and learn from them.
So yes if we did not let it out of hotels we be where WA is. 10 AFL teams not left the state.
The rest of us be stage 4 next week.. thanks for that.
We all know someone who did something wrong.. Yes and most including me now blame you Dan.
I still being good.. Although lots now do not care.. the we just say we have a protest as your ok with that Dan is strong now.
The young sick of being locked up for old people.
All this crap we in it together.. 95% of people do the right thing.
If everyone did we need no police at all.
NSW would not be in the &*(&*( they are in now with out Vic, although at least they tracing cases.
Nor NT or SA have new cases and people hiding in trains and trucks to get across border.
Like NZ all of WA cases are in hotels where they should be.
So no you cannot ever get rid of it to a Vaccine. You have to keep borders shut or protected.
What about the tourism. Did you know OZ we actually spend more on OS then OS people spend here. Think of Bali/Thailand how much $$ spent
If people brought caravans

"on topic" and went around our beautiful country and spent $ as could not travel OS tourism would not be dead.
International students.. Pretty sad all the $$$ CEO's get in Uni's are from Chinese students..
If you made new arrivals wait for more than 21 days to be sure. You could open up the rest of the country.
You could let students in if they cleared.
Sorry again as a Victorian.
You never going to keep people locked down.. Too many crazies.
An ex workmate was in all the papers last weekend and on the news.
Most of the comments under it says fake news.
Pretty sad if anyone wants to read comments.. He pretty shattered..
You keep reading and becomes pretty clear all political choices for union mates.. Even the hotel idea came from hotels wanting $$$.
Why not Christmas Island anymore.
Martin Pakula was in charge.
He is an ex National Vice President "
National Union of Workers" who recently merged with the security guards union..
So was jobs for mates. Or thought doing the right thing.. Although for months people heard it was not working.
No idea where the rot is.. we have a inquiry now so shhhh
Even now Dan saying we do not need the gov or army for contact tracing like other states..
We going to use experts from Telstra call centre..umm Dan you ever ask for help from Telstra

Heard a few cases people got positive and they did not care where they worked.
One lady was asked can she ring where she went in the last 48-72 hours for them.. Been to like 5 shopping centres over the weekend.