Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
I emailed ABC Tv morning breakfast show this morn around 7.30 asking them to get info from the horses mouth .


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
It is even worse then the security stuff ups at the quarantine hotels.

Dan has been using the virus to go on an unchecked spree on hiring in every aspect of this.

Do you wonder why 30% of people in hotel quarantine refused to be tested. Because an unknown, untrained, yobo fronted at the door with no personal skills asking if they would like to be tested. When they were reluctant, they walked on. The quicker they got through the corridor, the quicker they could get back to the staff room and bludge.
30% of 18,000 international arrivals. That is 5,400 people went out of the hotel without being tested!
SA has a 99% compliance because they assign a real nurse to each person in the hotel right from the start to monitor health. These professionals establish a relationship with the people in quarantine.
WA: you sign up to be tested otherwise you don't get out of the airport. 100% compliance.
Oh, by the way. The Deputy Health Officer stated 30%. Dan, who apparently knows much more than his own Health Officers, came out the next day saying it was more like only 10 - 15% without a single bit of explanation as to why the sudden difference.

Then we get to the next one: contact tracers. Again subcontracted out. Given to people with no previous experience. Contact tracing is a highly specialised task. SA have now sent over a team of professional contact tracers.

Then we get to the doorknockers that went through the first lockdown suburbs. Again thousands recruited at short notice. Again, untrained people hired one day and let loose the next day. They had very little training in infection control. They were not changing gloves or PPE between each house.

All contracts issued without tender and little in the way of paperwork. Security firm was mostly MSS.
Dan stated that he assumed that the security guards wold be aware of their requirements to abide by social distancing laws.
Dan stated, a month after the first news of security breaches at Rydges, that he did not know which of his departments was responsible for overseeing security.
The Chief Medical Officer stated that it was not his task to monitor quarantine hotels.

Fortunately, SCOMO has announced a Federal inquiry into hotel quarantine. Read that as a Federal inquiry into Victorian Hotel quarantine.
There has been a lot of pain associated with the f*&^&*ck ups in Victoria. Too much for any chance that Dan and the rest of his gang of 8 ministers to hide anything. It is way to well known now. And, slowly but surely, more and more Victorians are waking up that this second wave was not CAUSED by Victorians not social distancing, but was CAUSED by stuff ups at the only point of entry for the virus, the quarantine hotels. Both by people coming out without being tested and by contracted staff at the hotels with little training. There is already a link between the security guards and the 9 lock down apartments. Further, MSS supplies security guards to the apartments.

Dan has tried to hide accountability by announcing a judicial inquiry, where he chose the judge, allow her 6-8 weeks to file the FIRST report. Oh, it will also be a CLOSED inquiry.

Separate issue:
Then over 500 police in the 9 lock down apartments all running around without any masks or PPE. No attempt at infection control.

Went shopping today. Won't be going out again for three weeks. Except for our daily walk.

Take care
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
As I have said before.
Refuse a test, complete residence is put into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days. Residence is declared an infected area, sign put out front.
No one in or out. Still refuse a test, another 14 days.
Breach the conditions, no fine. You are put into a Government quarantine institution.

Same for current breaches of social distancing laws. Immediate self-isolation for 14 days to protect the public. Breach self -isolation and immediate quarantine in a government institution.

However, in Victoria. it must be mandatory that the person doing the test has been trained correctly to take the sample and in infection control.
Certificate must be issued and shown. Any breach by the tester, immediate suspension of certificate, immediate quarantine.
Massive penalties for non compliance by any organisation that conducts the training and issues certificates.

Well, that is exactly the way it will be down here in Fort Mike.

take care


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
@mikerezny I know people in lock down.. They where sent self test kits.
If not mandatory no one will do it.

Everyone please now wear a mask.
Not Schools they are fine.. Ok kids spreading it although we do not want kids wear masks
No masks at school

I hope we get it under control now, I really think it going to get worse in Vic.
Lockdown fatigue not going to help. Everyone use a loop hole..
Seems they can easily track down someone having a party.. Army on the way to stop people getting to Geelong.
Although cannot lock down O/S travellers.. At least Scomo slowing down now.. Could not believe we had 1-2k a month coming in not PR or Citizens.

Honestly if I was SA and NSW I post armed guards everywhere..

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
288 today in Vic.. I think NSW need to have patrol boats now and tanks :(
Genie escaped hope they crawl it back in.

OMG @davemc it seems that they are all being flushed out like rats in a big flood. Hopefully the news of that many infected will remind everybody just how serious a problem Victoria has to deal with. And the only thing separating Victoria from NSW is the mighty Murray. Once beyond that and into NSW, our own border with NSW will be under threat. Not to mention South Aust too. I bet the Premier of NSW is getting really worried now!! Amazing how fast the infection is spreading.
Stay safe.


New Member
Jun 8, 2020
Just saw on the idiot box, backpackers hopped out of a mini bus on nsw border, walked straight over the path to qld side and hopped on a mini bus in qld,
Police said we are only told to stop vehicles not padestrians, motorbikes or cyclists. Hahaha well done Spanna
Maybe the Nuking bit
Although we need to contain it.
I say I am stuck at home for 2-3 months now :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Can somebody with a degree in psychology on this forum tell me why anybody in their right mind would race to the Qld border like lemmings over a cliff,and sit in a 20 klm traffic jam just to get into Qld on the first day of opening.Geez did everybody get a mud crab sandwich as an incentive. Utter madness.I just hope all this celebrating etc does not come back to bite us as in Vic.The number of idiots around are astounding.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I have a Masters in Common Dog, a rare degree to have , so I can with great authority say that these people have that widely held "Certificate VIII in Stupidity" with some achieving the much sort after title of "Moron" to be placed after their name..........


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Can somebody with a degree in psychology on this forum tell me why anybody in their right mind would race to the Qld border like lemmings over a cliff,and sit in a 20 klm traffic jam just to get into Qld on the first day of opening.Geez did everybody get a mud crab sandwich as an incentive. Utter madness.I just hope all this celebrating etc does not come back to bite us as in Vic.The number of idiots around are astounding.

it is because they have run out of toilet paper in Victoria and have heard a rumour that there is still some left in Queensland.

take care


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC

it is because they have run out of toilet paper in Victoria and have heard a rumour that there is still some left in Queensland.

take care
Possibly you're right Mike. On our way sth out of nsw, our logistics team removed 100% of the toilet paper on the sth coast. We're donating a substantial amount from the used pile to construct a 20ft high paper mache effigy of Dan Andrews

PS. We have toilet paper and are selling it at cost ... plus a little extra just to cover the car and van payments (used to collect it), and house mortgage (used to warehouse it)


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
oh how our world has changed.

Who would have thought:

I had a phone call yesterday from a very old and dear friend in Queensland, They are now in their late 70's.
First was to check and see how we are doing in the second wave and lockdown.
Second was to see if we were short of anything. If so, they offered to buy it for us and freight it down to us.

take care
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013

I read that Nurses report and thought its possibly more informative than anything else put out by media or our inward looking politicians............ probably bore a lot of people as no scandal, no dramatic turn of events, coppers and residents being nice and portraying people in their true light, no sign of deprivation..........