Yesterday, lovely day, no wind no clouds and the bay stayed flat as a tack all day, went boating with the mob that should be at work, car park at the TCB ramp was chockers and they weren't locals thats for had one passenger, the G/daughters boyfriend who had never caught a fish before, I told himenot to expect that to change

so we drift along the Teebah channel and after showing how to cast and try fro Flatties he pulls in a nice flattie, so I'm now a legend ( already was anyway

) I even joined in with a couple, took him up to Fraser and another bank were I showed him the Art of catching huge Toads, culled a few before racing for home............. no pics couldn't be stuffed............ but saw the usual Dolphins, Turtles and a couple of Dugongs, the bay put on a great show for us....