I was an academic and accuracy in quoting references is drummed into us. And I was pedantic about this, especially when I was reviewing papers for publication. Old habits die hard!
My copy is in the van and not easy to reach. But if I remember correctly a lot of the recipes and techniques came from Reg.
Way more people will know Jack, but I would like to ensure Reg is also remembered.
The book is a treasure, right up there with Paddy Pallin.
take care
Reg was certainly the Chief Cook, he spent most of his time as a Station Cook, in the shed and camps so certainly was a legendary cook, well known for sure and would leave these pasty, pansy TV cooks for dead.................... This great book wa sprinted in 1982 and reprinted twice in 1983, $12.95 at Angus and Robertson the tag in mine says.......... I would often do "
Dogs In Blankets" or "Brumbies in the Sandhills' in camp, mny boys would eat you out of home and anything to fill em up, the Kangaroo Tail recipes I used Ox Tail mostly, easier than listen to them scream if i stopped for a fresh road kill....

We lost Jack, legendary Australian in 2019 , I have always wanted one of his paintings... not sure when Reg went though.
If you want a quick rundown on this great bloke here's a link;
Along with Len Beadel, Harry Butler and Les Hiddins, Jack is up there with my Bushmen of Australia, I'll never be a bushmen like them but I certainly try.
Might throw some more posts on these two great fellas............maybe an
Absolute Absalom Thread ................
PS: Might have to get out the Oven, hasn't been used for many years but is in pristine condition.