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Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
That's rubbish. Premiers acting like they don't want any more cases and that they're trying to eradicate the virus. That is not the plan.
This video footage on the news showed no cars at all being checked, so they were free flowing each way across the border, Workers or not.
I noted last weekend the QLD health website listed pretty much every council area in Melbourne and Greater Geelong as being a 'hot spot'. What blatant fear mongering. It's these pathetic organisations acting like every Melbourne citizen has it is what is the problem.
Let's get some realistic perspective here. 0.00029% of the Victorian population have or have had the virus yet we're all willing to ruin the country because of the ego's of some state Premiers.

I think you hit the nail on the head there @Brente1982 . It is whatever sells news. If you don't like what a state or government is doing, show only that film/video to enhance YOUR own idea of what should be happening. If you have a large yellow pass stuck to your front windscreen that can be seen from 50 metres or more, (see @Drover post on this), you obviously don't have to stop and check that vehicle, and this would not be seen from above. A similar exaggeration applies in the general news about "hot spots" whether they be big or little. Sensationalism is what sells and gets people interested - true or partially true. That is the way of the world at the moment. What cannot be denied is that Queensland has ONLY 2 persons active with Corona at the moment whilst Victoria has over 130 in the last week, not including another 40 odd today. That is something that cannot be denied! Whether that is correct is up to what you believe. We do not have those "hot spots" anywhere in Queensland but we do have a lot of businesses suffering because the border is closed as it is in West Australia. Whether this is the right course or not, correct or wrong, who knows. Tread your own path if you wish.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
My son lives in Kingscliff NSW and goes backwards and forwards across the NSW /Qld border many times some days.He said if you havnt got the pass on the screen you will be stopped.If no pass and you have to go into Qld you have your name address taken and must self isolate. Know a couple of yachties got as far as the Gold Coast and were checked by the water police and had to self isolate.Then again another guy I know is a truck driver for Pearsons freight ,never been stopped on the Brisbane run yet nor has any other of the companies drivers.
Irrespective even if borders open up it has to be remembered nearly 80% of Qlds tourists are from overseas and that Asian tourists spend nearly 9 times more per day than local tourists.There is no way holidays at home will fill dollars lost ,with overseas tourists out for maybe two years.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I think by now all know you need to have the A4 Pass stuck on the windscreen or you get stopped, otherwise the lines would be miles long. plus a mate has told me cameras ping you as he got a call............. anyway stop ruining the medias fun you lot.........................

If you ain't got this I have no doubt you will be asked questions.....

and if in a heavy vehicle there re enough cameras to track you especially in NSW, I got pulled up once because of a camera, pointed out the vehicle might have been on the road for 36 hrs but we change steerers..... so Big Brother is watching.................. be easy to evade the blocks anyway...........
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Dirty disease carrying Mexicans. Stay home !!o_Oo_O
If we cared that could be truly hurtful. I wanna see some genuine manning up with SA getting serious and cutting those high voltage lines crossing the border and refusing to inhale any more of the dirty disease carrying Mexican's electricity .... or is all this blustering just for show. You can still hate us in the dark. Bwahaaa.

Anyway, hurry up and open the damn border ive got an Oodnadatta trip planned for Aug

No rain at home nice sunny most days looking at weather Gippsland allways in a rain belt but at least hes camping only untill he gets a police excort home and we go into full lock down in iso you go @Crusty181 lol
Beautiful down in Sth Gippsland, camp fire, good company and a surprise pub stay to top it off. Im now hiding in the bush, near the eastern Vic/nsw border ... we'll be sneaking across just before first light. It will be way to early and cold for anyone to care

Disco Duck

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2017
Adelaide South Australia
A bit of civilised, constructive hate is a good thing Crusty, :) but yes........we do appreciate your power and we want the borders to open too but a more worrying thing is reading that 71 people in isolation in Victoria have refused to be tested. That is not good !!
Why would anyone refuse to be tested unless they were complete morons ?? Or maybe they know they have it and don't want to be in isolation any longer.
Enjoy border hopping.


Well-Known Member
We still havent worked out how an inept government in Qld can declare 37 local government areas of Victoria, COVID Hotspots yet the experts in Victoria along with the Federal Government experts agree that there are 6 local government areas that are hotspots.
It smells of arrogance Of the Qld government.
Our daughter who travelled back from the UK, done her 14 days of detention in Victoria, was released after getting a clear bill of health, but because she spent an extra night in a different hotel in the city before returning to Brisbane is now forced into a second 14 days of detention force on her by Anna when she didn’t either head into the declared ( by Victoria) hotspots.
What got me laughing on Friday was one of Anna’s ministers in a press conference warning people in home isolation to be warned that the police will be stepping up surveillance but not on Friday, or Saturday or Sunday but starting on Monday. Go figure that it must be ok to slip out on the weekend but not Monday.
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Well-Known Member
A bit of civilised, constructive hate is a good thing Crusty, :) but yes........we do appreciate your power and we want the borders to open too but a more worrying thing is reading that 71 people in isolation in Victoria have refused to be tested. That is not good !!
Why would anyone refuse to be tested unless they were complete morons ?? Or maybe they know they have it and don't want to be in isolation any longer.
Enjoy border hopping.

i believe some of these cases may be children of families in detention / isolation who the parents although they are getting tested, the wish for the kids not to be tested.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
A bit of civilised, constructive hate is a good thing Crusty, :) but yes........we do appreciate your power and we want the borders to open too but a more worrying thing is reading that 71 people in isolation in Victoria have refused to be tested. That is not good !!
Why would anyone refuse to be tested unless they were complete morons ?? Or maybe they know they have it and don't want to be in isolation any longer.
Enjoy border hopping.
This extraordinary event has certainly weeded out and spotlighted some extraordinary weasels thats for sure. Hard to guess the motivation behind a test refusal, aside from brain damage

poor but proud

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2018
Just like the morons who refuse to be vaccinated, do a breath test etc, should be spayed so they don't breed..... So over stupidity.
while i agree with your statement, in these days of political correctness if you say such things you get branded with a title that ends with IST. lots of things you can think these days but all hell brakes loose if you say much for freedom of speech.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yep, @poor but proud , as an "Opinionated Old Fart" and a "Baby Boomer" , they will just have to learn to put up with differing opinions................ funny how the further you get from the city the outlook changes and the noise from these " Must think like me Clowns " seems to fade away............ but your right and if they throw that crap at me they better look at my family first before they open their yap................they might be in for a shock.............

poor but proud

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2018
Yep, @poor but proud , as an "Opinionated Old Fart" and a "Baby Boomer" , they will just have to learn to put up with differing opinions................ funny how the further you get from the city the outlook changes and the noise from these " Must think like me Clowns " seems to fade away............ but your right and if they throw that crap at me they better look at my family first before they open their yap................they might be in for a shock.............
totally agree ,you can voice you opinion in the bush,if you say too much, you get a sore nose and a couple of bruises,in the big smoke you get taken to our own government funded departments,threatened with jail time,sell up your home from under you ,you have to pay your own legal fees,while the other party is totally funded by MY government, so i know what you are about, and do i have faith in our legal system ? ah no
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coys 53

Active Member
Oct 13, 2019
Yep, @poor but proud , as an "Opinionated Old Fart" and a "Baby Boomer" , they will just have to learn to put up with differing opinions................ funny how the further you get from the city the outlook changes and the noise from these " Must think like me Clowns " seems to fade away............ but your right and if they throw that crap at me they better look at my family first before they open their yap................they might be in for a shock.............
totally agree ,you can voice you opinion in the bush,if you say too much, you get a sore nose and a couple of bruises,in the big smoke you get taken to our own government funded departments,threatened with jail time,sell up your home from under you ,you have to pay your own legal fees,while the other party is totally funded by MY government, so i know what you are about, and do i have faith in our legal system ? ah no

coys 53

Active Member
Oct 13, 2019
I suppose the 71 morons would very quickly avail themselves of the NHS services should they show any symptoms of covid therefore putting other people at risk, IMHO a refusal to testing would be a refusal to enter the country even if they are Australian + a compulsory test at the point of entry could save monies spent on isolation ( no test, no entry, no isolation ).


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
It's truly a sad state of affairs.................. thankfully I can still change the channel or just turn over the page.............. but it has vindicated my 60 year dislike of city living and all it stands for but being a nice person I don't have a problem with folk wanting/needing to live in such an environment, no need to push my opinion on them, if they don't want to live in the country, I really very happy with their decision.............

Oh and don't get me riled, Big Mal has again been disconnected from the power grid for possibly 2 weeks........... So the Drover could be a tad touchy....... by the time we can roll the gates will be opened and we will be inundated..................... Had a Temora Warbirds Vid on in shed yesterday while working on boat so have a desire to smell AVGAS fumes again, with a block of Junee chocolate............... and some Murrumbidgee Carp on the hook....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Get stuffed, you know who you are.................................... I was busy with a trainee fisherman, no pics as I didn't want to make you poor peasants envious while stuck at home..........besides I'm not one to boast...............

You just wait till I'm on the banks of the Murrumbidge/Darling and pulling in the Carp, like Toads I seem to excell at catching them............ Bustards.....