Hi just wondering where you mounted sensor part in fridge and how photos in any any thanks for any info
Steve, works no prob's, good up to 300m away (Accu-Rite that is) dare say the others would be similar.Hi all,
Ha anybody tried to read the fridge temperature (in the van) from the car as they are driving with any of the remote sensor types.
Just wondering if you can monitor as you are travelling.
@14.44-4 pajero Mounted the sensor at the back of the fridge on top shelf, just clipped on (clip on top, sensor under), freezer one was just inside freezer up against the side.Hi just wondering where you mounted sensor part in fridge and how photos in any any thanks for any info
Steve, works no prob's, good up to 300m away (Accu-Rite that is) dare say the others would be similar.