The fan in the vent is most assuredly an asset, on hot days I only have to dial mine up to about 5 but it usually sits on 3,
I noted somewhere how long it takes mine to get to running temp on 240 from a hot start, freezer will pull down quickly but the fridge side takes longer of course, but the fans make a lot of difference on hot days but you do need to fridge to be fitted properly from the start.
Before I fitted the fans and mounted the fridge properly it needed to be on 6 or 7 and even then it was more a food warmer on very hot days.
I fire my fridge up about 2 days before we go and the fridge gets loaded the afternoon before we set off but with the fans fitted it only needs overnight usually to get down to operating temps but we like to get the whole cabinet chilled down fully.
.Like all front door fridges they warm up quick when the cold falls out the doorway.
My Engel will be ready to go in about 30mins, it's brilliant.