Here's my rear wheel rack, used a shocky end as a hinge and made a pin up similar to a Hitch pin for the lock pin on top. The tyre sits on a saddle with a hole in it big enough for a padlock and just 2 wheel stud nuts.
Oh and I used the original bumper as it was just as thick as the ones I saw at the Van show but added a couple of support braces, if it does anything it may twist, will see but the rack can be removed easily with a grinder and transfered to a new rail without any major hassle.

End of shocky mount, weld onto a bit of plate then onto the end of the tyre mount.

Shocky mount reborn..................

Happy days it worked. Did stress test by jumping on it only damage done was when I fell off and that was to me.
Finished, and everything works. The wheel sits on a saddle which has a hole for a big pad lock to make sure it stays put. Just have to knock up a wheel cover next week, grey vinyl or green canvas.
Well while it worked a treat I got sick of getting dirty dropping it down so it's now moved underneath.