Delayed taking it for a shake down cruise, as we have a new Grandson, so have been tinkering.

Mounted our table under the bed.
Moved the battery from the wardrobe to under the seat, paneled in behind the drawer and lined the space with plastic. Cables reached which was a surprise, now can access the battery when the roof is down, and room to put other gizmos at a later date.

Water pump had half a cupboard to itself, wasted space so added a shelf and the bride suggested a wine rack, so 7 bottles can now be stowed. during construction and in situ.
And one from months ago when I vented my exhaust fan outside instead of into a cupboard. Looking thru the clock position, vents out the small square vent near door.
Hopefully roll next Monday, sit on a beach rain or not, fish and think about what else to do.