17' Series Driveway From Hell


Aug 31, 2011
Good spot, the eaves are still a bit of an unknown, they are 2.4m, van 2.2m. Working on the winch idea, this would keep the back of the van as low as possible as opposed to a car backing up. I also think the angle of the drive we might well miss the eaves altogether. We have spent a lot of time and money on this project, it has been something I have wanted to try for 2 years, hope it is going to come off and not doomed to spectacular failure. Unfortunately no real way of finding out until we go 'live'. We should be able to experiment on the car and then the Swan to do more tests. Worst case we will have to widen gates. The neighbour has a Windsor pop-top himself and a longer driveway than us ! Lot's of friends and neighbours want to be present on the day, will have to hold a street barbie !


Aug 31, 2011
Moto, I detect you're not sure about this ? I can understand reasons too. I did wire up the winch to the car 'up top' at the weekend for a trial. Winch long enough and yet another neighbour with a 21 footer and Landie thought winch well able to do the job and some ! Winch will be concreted in in next few days when builder returns. Slowly as we go.....


Aug 31, 2011
The winch is in and ready to go, will take some photos over the weekend. We are going to do some trial runs and winch the Kluger up (with someone in it !). The plan when we get the van will be firstly to use a neighbours car capable of getting the panda in and once we know she fits (goes under the eaves) then will try to winch her up by backing up with the Kluger attached. Car can drive itself up and winch will be taking the weight of the van. The winch is rated for 4,500 kg so in theory should be able to pull both up. Finger crossed......


Aug 31, 2011


We went live on Saturday and the winch pulled the Kluger up the hill. The cable made some creaks (as I am told it would do) but all went as planned. Kluger heavier than the van, so we should be good to push / pull the panda, (as long as she gets under the eaves !).

She has a lovely flat home waiting for her now.

PS Moto, did I have the dampener in the right place ?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
How are you going to attach the winch cable to the van? I can't imagine the standard tube rear bar would last too long with a cable wrapped around it.
All in all a good bit of lateral thinking though..

Edit...d'oh, just re-read your first post about the shackles through the chassis...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
klugerclan, congrats on a monster effort, would be good to see the van up getting up there in prgressive pictures. i think you'll get under the eaves no problem (too me looks as if your home is 8ft/2400mm ceilings), though you might need to prepare for the spare wheel possibliy scrapping as it platoes over the ridge at the gate section!! i really hope a havent put the mocker on it for you, though perhaps a piece of ply wood would allow it to slide over with more ease.
hope this helps you, might come over for hand if you like, my cousin lives in yor area.
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cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Thanks for the update Kluger it hopefully all goes to plan for you as it looks like you have thought of all possibilities.

The dampener should be in the centre third of the winch cable.


Aug 31, 2011
Thanks Pace, very helpful info, we are pencilled in for in for next Friday, will be sure to take some photos. Helpful neighbour has suggested we do in stages and give the winch some breathers (photo time). Whereabouts are you ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
Klugerclan, calculation from your previous entry all your sleeps should be over and this weekend shouldve been winch weekend for your 'panda'. Hope all went well, keep all of us informed.
Did you get it up the hill ok?
Did winch perform as well as the test day with the car?
Any scraps (i really hope you answer no to this one!!, i know of a windsor rapid that hit house whilst parking it away), from your concerns of the eaves or the spare wheel carrier?


Aug 31, 2011
Hi Pace, the van is home and safe up the hill. I am sorting out a few photos and will post later. For 1st time in I accepted the help of neighbour and his 430 ML Merc. We had a few issues with the rear wanting to ground out and had to use planks to life the wheels to get us round the corner and on to the hill (pain in the backside). Once on the hill it took 3 attempts and we got her in, we have approx 2 inches either side from the eaves and the gate-post. It was also about half an inch from the spare wheel cover grounding at the top of the hill. I have to say the Merc has very impressive.

I will try the winch out in a few weeks, I think the winch will pull the van round the corner without grounding out, hopefully might make it a little easier.

My neighbour was an absolute star, he was able to put the van exactly where it needed to be. He then came round later that evening to stress to us, 'don't be scared of it, it only took a few minutes and now we know it fits and how to do it. Your kids are only young once so get out there and use it !'Thanks Dean, you are very generous.

PS Wouldn't surprise me to see his Windsor replaced with an Expanda in the coming months, he loved it inside.


Mar 18, 2011
Melbourne, Victoria
Nice one Klugerclan! Isn't it fun trying to reverse a brand new van into a tight spot (and being so paranoid that you're going to give it it's first scratch - or worse)??
Your neighbour is right. When we first bought our van home it took several "highly paranoid" attempts to reverse the van into it's living quarters...but returning after our first trip away it went in 1st go (remember, practice makes perfect!)

BTW, did you pick the van up in your neighbours Merc or did the Kluger get the honour?
If so, how did you find the Kluger with the van on the back?


PS. looks like you need to update your signature now! :)


Aug 31, 2011
Hi Dave, the Kluger got the honour and had no problem. Got up the hills in Warrandyte which are as steep as we will be going up and van had a full tank of water which will be empty when we travel. Seemed very stable on the freeway, even moreso than the Swan.

Here are a couple of photos of the reverse, and debris left at the end !!


cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
It sure is a tight fit Kc but as others have said practice makes perfect :thumb:

After seeing the driveway in action I noticed the angle of the new concrete is quite tapered in towards the old driveway. Would widening the concrete (where the LHF wheel is) make it easier or should it be fine when using the winch?

Thanks for the pics too :yo:


Aug 31, 2011
Good spot Cruza, neighbour put in a request to build that are up slighly, only a foot or so. I have some old railways sleepers which should work well. Even with the minimal clearance between eaves and fence, don't think we need to widen the gate (big job) and neighbour agreed don't bother "it fits".

Next job to try the winch and see what a difference it all makes.


Aug 31, 2011
Latest update as just got back from our holidays. We had total nightmare getting van out of the driveway and back in again. The taper on the driveway (Cruza) caught us out on way down and the van was precarious on / off the edge and we had to build it up with blocks / planks all the way down. At one point I had to move the Kluger (parked at bottom of driveway) as was worried the van might fall off the driveway and roll on top of it. I was not stressed, honest !

The biggest problem is the grounding out the rear bumper at the bottom as we cannot re-align the van without feeding a load under the wheels to keep the height of the van up. I got stuck as couldn't get the right angle using old man's Kia, luckily neighbour with the big Merc turned up and saved the day. We used the winch to hold the van and swapped cars halfway up the hill which was fun ! Merc finally got the van in but did some gardening along the way !

We are all agreed this need to improves so firstly we are going to widen the gate to make it easier to get in, and secondly our neighbour has suggested I buy 2 x industrial caster wheels and bolt on to the bottom / back of the chassis. I think this is a great idea and might well be the 'deal-maker'. I am guessing not many people would have come across this, but any further thoughts / ideas would be very welcome.