Now that's a Christmas pressie!!!!!!!......
Congrats CD............all the best for the rest of the year to all of you..
Thanks Matty and to you and your family too mate!!
WOW CD. Looks terrific, you must have been real good this year, don't think you can top that next year. Best wishes to you and Sarah and the kids from Elaine and I. Have a happy and safe Christmas and a really great new year.
Thanks CR, its going to be a good present thats for sure.
And best wishes to you and Elaine to mate from me,Sharen and the family it was good to meet you this year.
(Sarah is Mrs Moto Moto :wink
Looks great cd. Awesome Xmas present!! You'll love it... Except when it comes to parking it. I just drive to the back of the shopping centre now lol!
HAHA I'll remember that Andrea, Merry Christmas.
SWEEEEEEET looking ride CD, better leave the gate open, hate to see Santa try and stuff that down the chimney

Good advice Bushman will do :thumb:
Looking good CD. It is a great car and very capable off road.
Thanks Mick I dont think it will be to long before I test it out:smile:
Nice one CD.
You tried to sell the old tug yet?
Not yet Brad I'll advertise it in the new year when all the festivities settle down :hungry:
Nice set of wheels CD
When do we sart calling you BTD?
HAHA I'll stick with CD to confuse everyone :lol:
Very nice CD, I'm sure you'll be happy with the new tug.....she looks great!
Thanks Burnsy, have a great Christmas and New Year mate to you and your family, it was good to cross paths this year although only briefly. :rockon:
COngrats CD
Remember to tow heavily in the first 1000km to run it in good
Cheers SD being a manual all will be good :tea: