As I can on hold 50L (probably 6 or so lots of dishes) thats about 3 days.
If we use the external shower (ie. water doesn't go through the drain) is it considered grey water? We can take a small "pop up tent" which would allow us to still shower with the remaining water and enjoy our 3 odd days.
we wouldn't even get through 1 round of showers with 50L
I wouldn't get that serious about it
@Macca_75 , just tuck the thought away in "The Just in Case" box...... I haven't come across a full blown van park with it but some off grid properties have it but they often don't mind you draining into a bucket to water a tree, really just some overnighter type places in towns so next morniing at the 80kph sign you stop to do checks and open the tap..........
I do like that external shower question, I wonder if an EcoNazi would burr up at the idea ?????
At Bingara a fella was bitching that every third day he had to hook up to go to the dump point to drop his grey water tank, the rest of us looked totally amazed and some trying to stifle laughs, we then pointed out hoses running to tree's and shrubs.................. he has this sticker on his van saying he has signed the pledge or some such thing, we shook our heads..................
it should be noted that I find the idea/use of a grey water tank to be a good one and do find the general need of being self contained in a lot of places quite sensible, common sense does need to be applied but since it isn't common hence the regulations, even though a lot of places where stated in camping guides it isn't a requirement but is shown to make folk aware of the need.......