What do you think about this


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
This van is only a single axle and the tanks were actually in front of the tyres, much like a cheap wheelbarrow with none of the cantilever buffer we get from a second axle of the duals. The grey tank was also significantly rear of the wheels. I told my buddy just ditch the grey tank and just get the forward water tank moved into its vacant position behind the axle .... sales dudes response was "no way Hose'".

Hey I did point out my error further into my scribing .............................. but left as a helpful hint to others............... I suppose load the rig up and see how it all sits, there are heaps of vans which have the axle that looks too far back yet somehow balance....... has me beat......................


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hey I did point out my error further into my scribing .............................. but left as a helpful hint to others............... I suppose load the rig up and see how it all sits, there are heaps of vans which have the axle that looks too far back yet somehow balance....... has me beat......................
Like your good self Ive seen a few vans that look a little out of whack, but so long as the out of whack stays a static out of whack it's managable. With this no-name caravan the out of whack is infinately dymanic with 240kg flicking every changing from front to back depending on the contents of 3 separate tanks. In a single axle Im guessing 240kg of dynamic weigh shift across the fulcrum (big word, thanks Google) could easily change the tbm by in excess of a 100kg

(By the way, Ill be using lots of prodigious and daedelen words from now on because if Google blocks Aust Ill bee ein seerious truple)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
So Grey right at the back.. if they empty 180 from front and left with grey to dump :(
Single axle probably loose maybe 60kg?? from TBM and add it to rear cannot see it swinging at all ;)
We use a bucket the couple of times I had to.. Had thought of getting one of those 40kg ones that look like toilet cassette.
So can throw in the back.. Although we still 99% time in parks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Like your good self Ive seen a few vans that look a little out of whack, but so long as the out of whack stays a static out of whack it's managable. With this no-name caravan the out of whack is infinately dymanic with 240kg flicking every changing from front to back depending on the contents of 3 separate tanks. In a single axle Im guessing 240kg of dynamic weigh shift across the fulcrum (big word, thanks Google) could easily change the tbm by in excess of a 100kg

(By the way, Ill be using lots of prodigious and daedelen words from now on because if Google blocks Aust Ill bee ein seerious truple)

So in laymans terms, moving that much around can cause vigorous Poopy Valve closure........................ I rarely travel more than 300yds with a full grey water tank, not because of any scary weight shift, I don't want to stress the straps I made to hold the tank.............besides a tree is thirsty usually......My grey water tank constructed of recycled (not because of any green thing) 150mm PVC pipe holds 90lts if my maths is right......looks the part but can secretly dribble.... .
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
I had a grey water tank installed at the factory on our new van can’t wait to use it it’s been two and a bit years lol
I’m booked into Woodgate NRMA park in a few weeks, my van is 8.5 metres tip to tow I was told I’ll have to park the car elsewhere as it won’t fit, oh well only going for the weekend for a friends 60th p!ss up
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
So in laymans terms, moving that much around can cause vigorous Poopy Valve closure........................ I rarely travel more than 300yds with a full grey water tank, not because of any scary weight shift, I don't want to stress the straps I made to hold the tank.............besides a tree is thirsty usually......My grey water tank constructed of recycled (not because of any green thing) 150mm PVC pipe holds 90lts if my maths is right......looks the part but can secretly dribble.... .
I thought at our age we all dribble !


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
I had a grey water tank installed at the factory on our new van can’t wait to use it it’s been two and a bit years lol
I’m booked into Woodgate NRMA park in a few weeks, my van is 8.5 metres tip to tow I was told I’ll have to park the car elsewhere as it won’t fit, oh well only going for the weekend for a friends 60th p!ss up
Exactly what I said in previous post.Was in Big 4 Blacks Beach Mackay last year,2 Rams and Silverdo big vans ,big c—-p trying to get them out ,half the vans on our side of road had to up root and move so they could get out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
If its 5mtrs long you'll be close enough to win a stuffed toy from the top shelf

2 tubes interconnected with T pieces running the van width, slight downhill set with tap on one end, open breather at high point and 2 big caps to empty quickly or flush out the goobers...........rarely used for storage of grey water................... but looks the part.....................8-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
SE Suburbs, Vic.
Exactly what I said in previous post.Was in Big 4 Blacks Beach Mackay last year,2 Rams and Silverdo big vans ,big c—-p trying to get them out ,half the vans on our side of road had to up root and move so they could get out.
You were seriously asked to move from your site so they could get out?

Surley they should be able to get on and off the site (without using other sites) as a condition of entry?

I could see myself going to the beach for the day


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
SE Suburbs, Vic.
On second thoughts if the parks wants to allow it maybe they need a tractor to get the van at least out and onto the road.

Don't get me wrong, my dream car is a F250 but I wouldn't expect anyone else to move so I could get onto/off a site.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
SE Suburbs, Vic.
And back onto the topic at hand, when we ordered the van we ordered 3 x tanks for freshwater (being a family of 5).

A few years later and it seems more places are wanting "self contained" I'm yet to find a place that will only allow "fixed" grey water systems and not a portable one, but there are rumours of such places.

I'm fitting a 50L grey water (thats all I can get under the van now). It does hang right at the end of the van (along with the spare which I moved from the aframe and fitted under the van - https://www.expandasdownunder.com/threads/macca_75s-20-64-1-ob.9840/post-200483

Not to worried - 50L there would be a reduction of 50Kg's (max - likely to be less) if it were full. when travelling normally we are over 300Kg's ball weight anyway.

I'll fill the rear tank and grey water, empty the front tanks, remove the bikes and rack and see what it weighs (worse case) - I still think it will be around 230Kg+ and can't see us ever travelling like this.

+ with 3 x 85L tanks full as we set off, I'll just use the rears first.

Another thought - is a shower considered "grey water" because it goes through the drain? If it is, is the external shower considered grey?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
- is a shower considered "grey water" because it goes through the drain? If it is, is the external shower considered grey?
Yeppers it certainly is.................everything from a drain is grey water, Dunny is Black BUT grey water after 72hrs (I think it is) is then considered Black........... I have encountered a couple of places where they have signage stating must be self contained and in most cases its evident why, places like Temora Railway Station camp is just obvious, well to most it others are idiots, other camps its a decree by some RV Club Overlord making the decision with some followers having a big hissy fit if you run a hose something which is ignored by most, I don't travel with grey water tank full, well not very far, places like Wooroolin which common sense decrees you contain or at least run it to a tree so others don't camp on a bog......

Some country dump points don't go into sewer but into a holding tank so they don't like you dumping grey water, no matter what shade or rinsing a lot as they get charged to empty the tank, not a lot of folk seem know anything about pump outs either they can be in the $500 vicinity so a lot for a little town to cop... So tree's don't mind a drink grey water isn't as toxic as these people make out, kept my lawn and garden going for over 20 years, no town water around.....plus would you really wash yourself and your plates in harsh chemicals ???????
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
SE Suburbs, Vic.
As I can on hold 50L (probably 6 or so lots of dishes) thats about 3 days.

If we use the external shower (ie. water doesn't go through the drain) is it considered grey water? We can take a small "pop up tent" which would allow us to still shower with the remaining water and enjoy our 3 odd days.

we wouldn't even get through 1 round of showers with 50L


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
This article says 12-24 hours grey stored becomes black water. Be quicker I say the hotter the place you are at
Also probably up to what people do cleaning wise.. we scrap the plates although still be some food waste.
I know people who scrap and wipe the plates so be less waste.

Probably depends where you are.. A lot of trees in drought areas probably enjoy the water.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
As I can on hold 50L (probably 6 or so lots of dishes) thats about 3 days.

If we use the external shower (ie. water doesn't go through the drain) is it considered grey water? We can take a small "pop up tent" which would allow us to still shower with the remaining water and enjoy our 3 odd days.

we wouldn't even get through 1 round of showers with 50L

I wouldn't get that serious about it @Macca_75 , just tuck the thought away in "The Just in Case" box...... I haven't come across a full blown van park with it but some off grid properties have it but they often don't mind you draining into a bucket to water a tree, really just some overnighter type places in towns so next morniing at the 80kph sign you stop to do checks and open the tap..........

I do like that external shower question, I wonder if an EcoNazi would burr up at the idea ?????

At Bingara a fella was bitching that every third day he had to hook up to go to the dump point to drop his grey water tank, the rest of us looked totally amazed and some trying to stifle laughs, we then pointed out hoses running to tree's and shrubs.................. he has this sticker on his van saying he has signed the pledge or some such thing, we shook our heads..................

it should be noted that I find the idea/use of a grey water tank to be a good one and do find the general need of being self contained in a lot of places quite sensible, common sense does need to be applied but since it isn't common hence the regulations, even though a lot of places where stated in camping guides it isn't a requirement but is shown to make folk aware of the need.......
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Another thought - is a shower considered "grey water" because it goes through the drain? If it is, is the external shower considered grey?
Grey water is the state of the water, wheres its stored or even if its stored or originates from is irrelevant. Ive only encountered a handful of places requiring grey capture, and as @Drover mentioned they would be in places i wouldnt be camping anyway (town centres etc) but the ones ive seen are designated "self contained", with the grey capture being part of detail.


Well-Known Member
Grey water is the state of the water, wheres its stored or even if its stored or originates from is irrelevant. Ive only encountered a handful of places requiring grey capture, and as @Drover mentioned they would be in places i wouldnt be camping anyway (town centres etc) but the ones ive seen are designated "self contained", with the grey capture being part of detail.
For the purposes for disposal methods in Qld under plumbing legislation, grey water is determined as a result of where it is generated from. Baths, basins, showers and laundry are considered grey water fixtures, with the toilet and kitchen being considered black water.
Greywater untreated is determined to be Blackwater if stored longer than 24 hours.
For the purposes with regards RV disposal, no legislation determines what grey water is but it is generally accepted that it is the kitchen, basin and shower and laundry in a van/ RV.
Local government under their powers can create a resolution through council to regulate environmental offences including the disposal of greywater. To do so they would require a solution to the problem like providing a dump point.
The department of Enviroment can only enforce a provision of their administering Act. I don’t believe they have such a provision except for sites where wastewater generated exceeds in excess of 4200litres or 20 equivalent persons.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
You were seriously asked to move from your site so they could get out?

Surley they should be able to get on and off the site (without using other sites) as a condition of entry?

I could see myself going to the beach for the day
I wasnt but the the two vans next to me were.The big units had been there for weeks,Narrow roads through the park .
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