So I started the big lap today and set my cold tyre pressure to 43 kpa before I left van towed really well when we pulled over for a rest I checked them hot and it was 49 kpa is that telling me I need to put more in or take some out?
Assume you mean psi ??????? 49 kpa is only 7 psi so I would say you mean psi, then if it follows well, doesn't seem to drag, a sudden wheel movement and it follows without wallowing then your pressure is probably good, tyre pressure will rise when they get hot and this is normal don't drop your pressure. if they climb to 10psi then drop a few pounds out as it's probably a damn hot day/road, over 40c usually get a big rise in pressure.
When you stop always feel the hub/drum if it burns your fingers, time to check bearings/brakes, tyres should always feel warm.