So Monday is out of the way and where am I..........god its hot....DAMN HOT!....Sorry Robin.........
So pavers collected and in 33 degree heat I have scratched out the area that the paved pad will go onto.. of dirt........the area to be paved....
Went with the 400x400 Charcoal grey...the space to be paved is 1.2m x 2.8m.....nil cuts and I will freestyle it a bit to make it look a bit more interesting.........
OH GOD.......Done even my eyes are melting............I have gone a bit less than the usual 10cm of base for most of the area as its foot traffic only....Where the van wheels sit its 14cm. Plus there will be 2 bags of concrete raked in to improve the strength.......
The space will also have a charcoal paver border to mark the change between 40mm river rock and 20mm river rock.....
So Monday.........Where am I at.....
Landscaping - Nil to date
Steel - Quotes are in at $186 for 2 4m long 90mm x 3.5mm Gal posts so I will need to double that to $372......Keep looking I think...
Sail - 3m x 6m Ebay waterproof cover $148
Paving - 24 400mm charcoal pavers $144
Concrete - Nil to date
Hire Equipment - Dingo Single Day hire $240
Running total $532