Well the inevitable has begun - The fun part - Customisiing, modding etc
Nothing revolutionary at this stage but we are getting the important things out of the way first.
First Up - Take out the Space waster Box they put round the SETEC Unit - This made way for my two 120AH Batteries to sit nicely near the center of the van.
Soon to be done in this same space will be removal of the SETEC Unit to make way for my XANTREX 40A AC Charger and BCDC1240 or CTEK D250 and CTEK SmartPASS Can't decide.
Another Critical Mod for this weekend - Nice set of Shelves for the larger cupboard - Got these from the Storage World Store up the road - $250 #$%#$% Not cheap, but perfect fit and very good quality.
After 4 Deep and 2 shallow - One with a fine mesh so the Mrs can use it for her little trinkets, got a few points for that one
(made up for when I told her ow much they cost