I discovered after the fact that everything changes when you extend the drawer bar. The display models and brochure pics are generally standard drawer bar models, and they omit to tell you (or simply don't know) that extending the drawer bar effects everything else.
They must have also poo poo'ed the new under floor spare carrier they had at the start of the new models, which did seem a little too flimsy anyway
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Our 20.63.1 OB has an extended drawer bar and I could have sworn the display model had an alum mesh in the "A" frame, but on delivery ours didnt. Coincidentally at that time of handover they had no OB models on display, and we were told by default and the process of elimination "that it looks like OB models don't seem to come with the mesh" ... which seemed really odd.
On our 5 week xmas trip OB's with mess were thick on the ground, but none with the ext drawerbar. Ive since discovered that the "off the shelf" mesh frame doesn't fit the extended drawer bar angles, so they just don't bother putting one on. Im sure the sales guy honestly just didnt know that the mesh is made to suit the std "A" frame only.
The cost to extend the drawer bar is around $250 regardless of Tourer or OB, and regardless of mesh or not. They sell the mesh for around $130, so they should have offset the extension cost, but Im confident the dealer just didnt know.
So .... because Ive hidden my point somewhere in the ramblings above; consider you responses to the extended drawer bar being the excuse you didn't get what you expected. Generally, "you never told me otherwise" is something they will struggle to get past, and should help to put responsibility in the dealer lap, and come to a compromise to get a solution everyone is happy with.
My dealers service area (and spares area) has been fantastic with the after sales issues, so hopefully you have a similar experience.