I can't beat her in a fight, but I can run fasterbest you don't go there then @Crusty181
I can't beat her in a fight, but I can run fasterbest you don't go there then @Crusty181
*Try posting a bit more so your post isn't boring*Reminds of a school trip to the centre in th early 70's. Love the photos - keep them coming!
didn't someone poison that tree??? recently bit of a shame asked mum for pics but she dosnt have any and his wife now has Parkinson's among other things as well there kids are a lost cause so carnt get any all his history now lost to god knows where
With all that blue sky ... they'd be mad if it wasn't
I hope they just parked there. Would think the van would out weigh the Morris 2:1 but it was the early 60s. :afro: I remember in the 70s seeing vans hitched up to cars that must have been sitting on the bump stops at the back and the front wheels barely skimming along the ground.Is the Morris Minor the tow vehicle?
I'm amazed.