Epic moment of toilet fury....
Pulled up at Umina, unhooked the van and walked in the van and nearly collapsed.
Yes, nearly collapsed as it smelt like some one had died in the van!
I had so many images of CSI and Criminal minds in my mind of the van quickly becoming a crime scene and a mess of blood and finger print material.
After a millisecond of dreaming I quickly turned around and had a momentary sigh of relief maybe I let one rip and didn't even know it or possibly the kids had done it!
But reality set in as that was not possible as I was the first one in the van since we pulled up and I would not do something so propeserpous like let one rip in the van.
Well let me rephrase, I would not do it for fear of the wrath of @
Then it dawned on me, I didn't empty the can from the last holiday which was a few weeks ago and the stirring motin of the drive up to where we where had constructed some evil soupy mess and caused the van to stink like some one had died in it.
Quickly MrsExpanda came to the resuce and opened every openable source in the van and I dragged the putrid cassette out of the van to do the walk of shame to the empty point.
Quickly I realised how bad it was as every person I walked past turned there nose up at me.
Luckily it was dark so they wouldn't remember the face!
Thankfully after a few hours reality returned and some sense of normal smell came back so we could all lay our heads down comfortably!
Note to self, use the facilities when at a van park and empty the dam cassette!!!