No no. 2 loo


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
Melbourne - Eltham
....on the last trip the youngest had to go, to my great disappointment on the last day, dropped by a dump point, tipped it up closed my eyes and away it all went, gave it a bit of a flush with fresh water and all good. Got home and thought I would give the cassette a flush out with detergent for storage and what should drop out on my lawn but the biggest Cane Toad without legs you have ever seen, i looked at it for some time working out "what now"......
Surely you deal with it the same way as the actual Cane Toads.......out with the 7 Iron!:onthego:

The Alberto

Active Member
Oct 19, 2012
Rockhampton QLD
....on the last trip the youngest had to go, to my great disappointment on the last day, dropped by a dump point, tipped it up closed my eyes and away it all went, gave it a bit of a flush with fresh water and all good. Got home and thought I would give the cassette a flush out with detergent for storage and what should drop out on my lawn but the biggest Cane Toad without legs you have ever seen, i looked at it for some time working out "what now"......

I spat coffee all over my keyboard when I read that!!

Number 1 only for us as well. I have a very weak stomache, almost threw up on one of the kids when I was changing a nappy years ago. I put heaps more chemicals in then required and I still have trouble emptying the thing. I would hate to imagine a few toads hopping around in there..... making me reach a bit now just thinking about it. Hopeless I know. Also, whilst it has a door and an exhaust fan on the bathroom, I personally just think it is all a bit to close quarters to be knocking one out in there.
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Seriously Likeable!
Aug 24, 2012
Kealba, Victoria
Always do a decent flush out of the cassette after emptying. Have a short hose length with tap fittings just for this purpose. Most CP's have hose at dump point, but some roadside ones just have tap. Always use at least the chemical doses recommended with some water in holding tank.
Used a special caravan toilet tissue from RV store last time away. Maybe they just saw me coming, but it worked OK.

Cut down on paper going into tank by using moistened wipes with small waste bin in the ensuite. Waterless hand cleaner, disinfectant as well.
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Seriously Likeable!
Aug 24, 2012
Kealba, Victoria
Yep my youngest thinks the long drop dunny monster is going to drag her in - and shes 15
Telling them about the long drop monster when they're three eventually comes back to haunt you!
(Told my little sister years ago that the milk at Grandmas was squeezed out of the cows bottoms. She refused to drink it; I got a thick ear, and we had to take a milk bottle and secretly fill it, just so she could have bottle milk everytime we visited).
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Forum Moderator
Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Wollondilly Shire NSW
What about long drops?

My kids hate them with a passion :)!

My lot do too, one day we were out for a drive in the highlands, we stopped at a picnic/lookout area that had a brand spanking new longdrop, my better half said I'd rather go in the bush than use that.
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Forum Moderator
Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Wollondilly Shire NSW
Have changed to the Napisan home brand and it's great, we use it for #2 when bush camping and it breaks it down to liquid, still not a nice job to empty.

Home Brand Napisan here also, a few drops of Eucalyptus oil or quality dish liquard in the flush tank.

When home I give it a good flush, then add 2 full caps of Napisan fill hot water, close it up let it sit, usually overnight, drain a flush again, clean as a pin.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Not my bloody 7 iron.......would have to grab the next door neighbours for that task.....

What i did..... was get the hose and spent 20mins hosing that sucker into the lawn. It didn't go easily.

Won't need to fertilise that part of the lawn in spring.

You could use @bigman0510 thongs that he has retired and squash the sucker into the lawn!
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