Caught this 49cm Bream in my Hobie flicking a crappy lure during an ABT comp at Marlo.
Kayak fishing can be very addictive, hence my old user name maccayak. When we went to Tuross Heads, I took the yak and my son and I had a ball. We caught unlucky flathead and bream. It is great also to travel to spots that you cant easily get to and flick some lures from the shore. I am more into catch and release. That fish in the above shot travelled around with me for two hours in the live well, then it was weighed and released. You need to buy a kayak that will suit your body size, budget and family requirements.
@Colin&Sue , you are in my neck of the woods. I fish locally during the warmer months, and travel up the bay when the snapper are on.