Good Morning , Good Afternoon , Good Evening


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2016
Mount Waverley, VIC
Here we go....
I used to get up 3 hours before I went to sleep. When at home, we used to sleep 7of us to a bed and if we complained my dad would slice us in two with a bread knife. Well, by home I really mean lid of shoe box covering up hole in road.
Well, that is how I remember the skit. The great original can be read at:



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
My kids pipe up "Yeah, yeah we know " when I say "Back in my Day" , they start going on about how I used to tell them how I'd peddle the pushie up hill 5 miles to get to school and 5 miles up hill to get home, they have it easy ", when they asked how come uphill both ways I told 'em it was a one way street, slow ride to school but it was a fast run home...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
If that pub has a jetty, I think it might be the one I parked a 40ft Navy launch at, we stopped for lunch after wandering around the bay playing games, way back in 1977 I sprung of course, hard to hide the grey boat.
The pub does have a boardwalk, and theres quiet a few berths along it. We used to be able to tie up and wander in for a cordial but for some idiotic reason they've locked the 3 foot high gate to the steps off the deck, forcing people to have to walk around to the front .... which no-one would ever do.

They still talk about a pi$$ed Navy bloke in the stolen boat that crashed into the bistro, and then threw up in the creek. Legend has his name was Rover or Grover ... so wouldn't be you ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
I spent my rdo takeing off roof rack of prado and started refitting io cruiser should work out well i hope im cutting straight up the middel and makeing it wider cheaper than a 600 China one and better once ive finnished the Valiant roof rack lives on
You wont find any support here, pimping up your mighty LC with a 1976 Valiant roof rack
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
The pub does have a boardwalk, and theres quiet a few berths along it. We used to be able to tie up and wander in for a cordial but for some idiotic reason they've locked the 3 foot high gate to the steps off the deck, forcing people to have to walk around to the front .... which no-one would ever do.

They still talk about a pi$$ed Navy bloke in the stolen boat that crashed into the bistro, and then threw up in the creek. Legend has his name was Rover or Grover ... so wouldn't be you ;)

Nope not me, boat signed in and out no damage, besides I didn't have enough money to buy that many beers ....... the drive back to Williamston Dockyard would have been not very nice with a gutful, it was a tad rough....... Didn't go by that nick name back then so I'm good.

Victorians and their Valiants.....
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
but i did wear a fancy uniform, go to really cool places.....
Like Mordialloc for example

I used to get up at 5.30 drive to a cold dark factory on my own, lift stuff way to heavy for one person working for a company with any kind of OH&S policy. I unload trucks by hand, load trucks by hand because the junkie across the road with the fork lift blew one too many lines of coke and blew a value. I then trudge around in construction site mud and when all thats over start all over again. Hang on, I still do that !!! ..... only at the moment I get at 5.00am and do it all without a frickin car
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I wake up at 0500 look out the window to see if I'll go fishing today ......................... Every Days a,lol,lol.:couch2:

Whats happened to the little fella in the boat fishing ??????:becky:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
@Crusty181 , have you looked at the time ??? you should be at work now, not lazing away online ........ How you going to pay your taxes for @DRW and I to live the good life.....
Oooops. Caught out. Sorting out the final bits and bobs on the new beast today. Yesterday those toxic turds at ARB decided to stiff me good and proper. An by stiff me, not for either any benefit or inconvenience to them, just for sport. Im much less than impressed with them and Im urgently trying to find a potential alternative so I can wide berth ARB. I will certainly never grace their doorstep again, so it's irreconcilable differences at this point, but the final Toyota contract timelines are working against me finding a new accessory friend .... which will hurt if I stuck with those idiots
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
I have a saying about ARB: Great products, lousy fitting. I had a suspension upgrade which required a wheel alignment and the printout showed the result was way out of tolerance...big argument until I insisted they note my concern on the install receipt...then it was straight back to the workshop. Then they installed my long range tank without the second breather...took me ages to figure out why it was so hard to fill.
The best job was the fitting of my diff lock. They were too busy so outsourced the job to a real diff specialist.
Now I fit most of it myself to save the aggravation


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Have heard similar things......Great product but the rest not much chop, like Jayco not a mechanic in sight usually, I buy the gear but fit myself, not only a tight ars but like the job done properly first time....... Nephew a number of years ago buys a new BT50, priced to kit it up ARB worked out over half the price of the vehicle so he went to Ironman in Bundy, well a few years down the track now and all the gear is still working fine, canopy hasn't leaked or fallen to pieces, bull bar solid even after a few Roo hits along with all the other gear and it cost half as much as the ARB quote......... even the fridge is still running......


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
I wake up at 0500 look out the window to see if I'll go fishing today ......................... Every Days a,lol,lol.:couch2:

Whats happened to the little fella in the boat fishing ??????:becky:

Hard life drover.
I work 9hr days and 6 on sat.
No big deal as I get paid penalty rates for every minute outside normal hrs
But I get up at the ungodly hour of 3.50am to start at 5am till 2.30pm and 11 on sat.
I need a sleep in
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Headed over to TJM today, not toooo much setting them apart. TJM was marginally more expensive, and their winch bar is possibly not quiet as nice. The offset is the bar has inbuilt rated recovery points and inbuilt winch cradle, and TJM wheel arches are better ... but the deciding factor could boil down to the fairly intense and prolonged spray that the ARB store manager got from me today. The more I seem to vocalise about ARB, the more people just nod and grin knowingly.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
I have ARB bar, remember measure twice cut once, well that didn’t happen and when I went back a week later to have my front RE fitted after plastic welding and painting I got abused “ can’t you see we’re busy” after a few choice comments I got it sorted bluddy franchises give me the you know what