20 mph at 5000rpm, your taking too long to get out to where the fish are at that pace, and making way too much noise at that rpm .... you need a little 15/18hp Merc/Tohatsu. Vroom Vroom. Actually, I picked up the Tohatsu mod parts for the Merc, so Ill be going faster soon'ishNot sure what is worse working 12 hour days or being a self funded retiree trying to catch a fish View attachment 63659View attachment 63660![]()
Ill be back up there soon enough. The Princess is a very keen fish'er ... person. I may have to withdraw from the speed check, I collected what was supposed to a 18hp throttle cam but its identical to the one on the motor already, so a bit of home work I suspect. Sunday down here is the pick after having no reprieve from the wind for 2 weeks.Ah the old Merchatsu sounds like a keeper, don't take any notice of the speedo, she does 27Knots at 6,000rpm which doesn't really help find any fish :-(
It's a pity @Crusty181 I didn't know you were coming last time, I have a long spare concrete driveway with water and 15A power, a shower and toilet in the shed with laundry, we could have taken the kids fishing or heaven forbid taken the kyaks out, they haven't been used since @chartrock came up a couple of years ago.We went out to the 8 mile a couple of weeks ago, caught heaps of small Squire and everytime we caught one a dolphin appeared next to the boat waiting for a free feed, I recon @Drover sent it up from Tin Can, it would come right up next to the boat and just look at us until we threw it back, the last one I caught I actually hand fed it, yep I guess I don't really miss work that much after all(even though I still work from home part time)
I appreciate your kind thoughts, I might lay off on the Valiant roof rack for a whileI feel so sorry for you working so hard on your own a man once said life wasnt ment to be easy ! Poor baby things must be good in the working on your own skam saveing all the wages some just dont pay them ask a certin chef to the tune of 8 mil then get a 2 hundread thousand buck fine its a good lurk dont forget your gloves safty glasses and hard hat keep lifting and hurry up
The train is so good in the morning such a diverse group of people all shareing the same cattle truck rideing the rails in harmony ......i carnt wright what i realy think
Well, I spent the last few days planning and partly executing operation Wheel Bearings. Replaced front wheel bearings on early holdens so many times I could have done it with my eyes shut. But 45 odd years have passed, so I expected to have become a little rusty.
Yesterday was crunch day, off came the grease cap, split pin, castle nut, washer, outer bearing and then the hub. All as I remembered it. Well, I have to admit I had the assistance of my next door neighbour, a retired fitter and turner with a workshop others would dream about. And a early Ford and VW enthusiast as well.
Then the inspection. Hmmm. I expected that at the 12 moonth service that repacking bearings would have meant pulling them out, cleaning them, checking, and replacing them. They may have done that, I am not sure. But I am sure that the outer bearing had nice new baby bog coloured grease and the inner bearing had greeny blue grease and looked a lot older. Go figure.
Anyway, nice clean bearings, nice shiny cones, and a shiny clean hub. Lots of dirty greasy rags. Bought a tub of Castrol HTB2 grease and repacked, reinstalled, and farted around adjusting the brakes with a screw driver, ill fitted to the task. Got a brainwave last night and made a really snazzy brake adjuster from an used table fork. I might patent it!
Other good news is there is hardly any brake wear after 30,000 km. Not surprising, considering how I drive!
This morning cleaned the wheel, and scrubed all inside the wheel well. Discovered that where the plastic wheel arch meets the body is not sealed. Ran a bead of roof and gutter sealant around it.
Got so carried away this afternoon, I put the wheel back on put the van back down and took the wheel off the other side. Then I ran out of steam.
Another win was that my neighbour handed me to two unused sets of Ford SL bearings and a handful of split pins. The bearings are SKF so I assume they are good ones. Then on eBay I found a place top get Trojan bearing seals for $1 each.
Stay tuned for the next episode.
OMG ..... I had to re-read that. I initially thought it said, "I came out Victorian". I've since stood down Southern Border Immigration.I am pleased to say I came out Victorious