My Gentrax runs both a/c and microwave at the same time. It's supposed to be a 5kva but it's rated at 3500w.
Hadn't missed a beat so far
Hadn't missed a beat so far
Kipor will run the AC fine just not at the same time as the microwave. Check the for sale thread I am selling oneI am looking at the Kipor 2.6kVA. With our new van it has the Coleman Mach roof A/C, just wondering if the Kipor would run it? I couldn't the AC in our 17.56-2OB (wall mount Aircommand 2.2) running with either a Honda EU20i or a Yammia 2400. Start up current threw it into overload everytime...
So I bit the bullet and brought a Honda EU3000iU today. Just gave it a run and it runs the AC, Microwave, Battery Charger, Fridge all at the same time. Stopped short of running the electric stove too but I am very impressed. I didn't get to test it with the hot water on electricity though because I have the anode out but will give it a go on the weekend.
I tried my old mans Eu20 on our new van finally and when on full throttle would start the compressor. If I run it on Eco mode it would not allow the compressor to restart once stopped. I am now looking at hard start capacitors for the AC unit. Anyone installed one?
Another Yamaha 2.4. It is excellent, starts everytime and runs everything. Plus it is a pure sine wave which is important for tv's, computers etc.
I'm interested to know what types of generators others have purchased.
I have been looking around and settled on one of these
I would have liked to get a names brand Honda or Yamaha, but this price was pretty hard to overlook, and it has plenty of features.
With the amount of use its going to get, I'm hoping it will last, but I didnt spend $2000 on it, so even if it doesnt go forever I'll be happy.
Next door neighbour has one, no complaints from him so far.
Grunt is the word......... Trying to lift the thing certainly gets a lot more grunts than a little 23 beats a 2 anyday...................................power is the key, more grunt.