

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
I'm interested to know what types of generators others have purchased.

I have been looking around and settled on one of these

I would have liked to get a names brand Honda or Yamaha, but this price was pretty hard to overlook, and it has plenty of features.

With the amount of use its going to get, I'm hoping it will last, but I didnt spend $2000 on it, so even if it doesnt go forever I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Thats a damn good price for a genny of that output, I don't know if I would trust it to run computers etc, stuff like that I prefer to buy local as easier to return...............but probably worth having a go with if you don't need to run it a lot.

I have a Honda 2Kva..........on special at a show but still a lot of bikkies but I trust it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
Thats a damn good price for a genny of that output, I don't know if I would trust it to run computers etc, stuff like that I prefer to buy local as easier to return...............but probably worth having a go with if you don't need to run it a lot.

I have a Honda 2Kva..........on special at a show but still a lot of bikkies but I trust it.

@Drover this company is local to me in Sydney and they have a 30 day return and 12 month warranty.

They also claim to carry spares and service so fingers crossed it's all the glossy brochure says.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2012
We just got a Super Cheap one, a Black Ridge 1700w when they were on special. It's actually a 1950w peak so has handled our Van, Aircon, Heater etc without a problem so far. Just can't use the Microwave :)

Have done about 80 hrs and not missed a beat. Not as quiet as a yam or honda but not that louder either. Starts first time every time and lasts about 3-4 hours at 900w which is what the air con seems to run at.
Picked it up for around $520 when one of there sales were on so could buy 3 of the others for that price.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
Go for it I reckon then.......................................would run the house fridges/TV's during blackouts as well.

Yeah I was thinking that as well.

I also have a Honda EU 7, it's just too small for the panda A/C, so it will probably be up for sale if the new one works out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Ive got a 2 stroke Honda ex500 inverter, and a 2kW Kipor. (Which im happy to report runs the Ibis on its ear) The Honda is an absolute gem. They havent be in production for many years and rarely come up second hand.

We have a 2.6kW Kipor at the farm which gets treated like a red headed step child. It gets flogged all day, left outside rain hail or shine, never serviced, run dry regularly and its never let us down in 4 years so far.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2013
Sydney, NSW
I have a 4.4 Fuji Micro 4.4kva remote start sine wave inverter gen bought off eBay a year ago (similar genetics to yours but a bit older I suspect) and have been very happy with it... the fuel primer bulb split pretty quickly but the folk I got it off replaced that, and thanks to eBay I've got another 10 spare bulbs available as well now(!) I think I paid around $630 for mine and its been great - quiet enough, and runs the aircon or the coffee machine (unfortunately not both...), charges laptops, runs the telly & foxtel - all the comforts of home....

I have the same view - I can get through 3 of these before I've paid for a brand name gen of lower output.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
We have some 3 chinese quad bikes on the farm, along with a Honda and a Yamaha. With the quads, the reality is the chinese ones are substandard, and are simply no comparison to the branded units. The components are cheap and nowhere near as durable, and the tolerances nowhere near as tight. The welds are crap, the plastics are brittle and the metal soft. The brakes are questionable and the tyres not so great

The brand units start better, run smother and by comparison punch out noticibly more power per engine capacity cc. Are much more responsive and are just a nicer unit to use

All that said, the chinese ones just keep on running and we still use them just as regularly. They do need extra attention, their rattly but its very difficult to kill them .... and as has been mentioned, value comes in many shapes. Our big chinese quad was $2000, and the yamaha $12000.

Its a similar argument with chainsaws. The $100 chinese eBay units are ok for a bit of camping .... but if you wanted one for a real job, no-ones going with anything but one of the 2 name brands, and your goibg to pay for that privlige

Our chinese quad recently rolled about 67 times down a 100mtr steep hill. The handle bars were squashed, axel bent, console smashed, seat ripped off along with the plastics .... and it was riden home
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
I looked at a few of these too, but ended up going the yamaha 2.4. Just wanted to have the reliability of it when off the beaten track, plus for home and down the hut. Pick it up tommorrow
I have the Yamaha 2.4 and it is a great thing . Easy start ,quiet , and does everything easy .


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
All good points , since I'm a fix it myself bloke it depends on whether I'm happy with fixing the bloody thing or not, as i find dealers to be more rip off than anything but I digress, my chainsaws are Dolmar and Shindaiwa, the brush cutters are Honda and Kawasaki while the Genny s are Honda and Aldi...............the aldi works well and if it dies I will buy another but I'm not fixing it, price wise good value, the rest of my gear well they don't stop working, they all are 10 yrs or more old, get the right fuel and oil, usually get a hose down at least and need to work when I want them, they do...........If I pay top dollar they usually work till the cows come home and the stuff I buy thats el cheapo well most actually work far longer than I expect but when I go to do surgery I find the insides are totalled.......................and I'm not flush with funds so can be a tight arse but won't buy the cheap,cheap stuff it's rubbish, brand name power tools only the rest will let you down at the wrong time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
its like anything I suppose

Buyer beware
you get what you pay for

mate of mine brought a Chinese knockoff 12000lb winch for $400 new.......
he said if it lasts the 1 time he needs it, then he's happy - he's never used it yet -
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Moto Mech

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
Mole Creek, Tasmania
I have a gentrax 3.5kva, will run air con and everything else in van at same time bar microwave but we didnt use that much so it has been removed.
Its heavy, not quite as quiet as a honda/yamaha but runs great and being a mechanic hopefully I can keep it going.
But if it fails early on itll be replaced with a 2.4 yammy.
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