Not overly keen on bigger parks, much prefer a free camp scenario if we can get it but on our last trip, everyone was pretty well mannered.
The thing that really really pi55es me off is when people go camping and think the usual norms of society are suspended cause they are bush. Even worse than being on the grog till 3am making a racket is when people just leave camp sites a dump. Bottles and rubbish in fires, damaged grounds, trees damaged, driving 4WD's drunk; some people just turn into heathens.
Even worse than all this though is people who put out fires by covering it with sand or dirt. This does not put the fire out - it just continues to smoulder, sometimes for days. Kids then tread on them bare foot and do enormous damage. To put a fire our, use water and leave it open.
Final one - free campers who do not burn toilet paper. Bury business and burn the paper, it ain't that hard....