General caravan park etiquette


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
In the morning well this morning i said to the bloke Big night last night ah
Oh no did we keep you up you should have said somthing he hanged around me all morning as i was packing up i think he felt bad him and his wife where very apologetic oh no we forgot about your kids and the language being used we are so sorry thats ok but always too late the next day but if it makes them think thats good
Old mate with the loud freezer how do you sleep in there i said its not loud he says i can hear the hum in Melbourne i said bugger me that night he turned it off but i did sit outside my van with radio on till 1130 on the worst station with new age music just to pee them off i didnt want to rebook but misses did so its done
I started packing up my annex at 10pm


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
I actually contacted management at caravan park on recent visit to Coffs and raised concern about kids racing around on bikes after dark with no lights and no helmets.

Management happy to listen, but had no answers and wanted me to come up the the solution. not for me to tell them how to run their park, but how about getting staff to wander around at night and tell them to stop. Even more radical, confiscate the bikes and make the parents come and collect them in the morning!

We also had campers removed from the park on New Years day (police were involved) after a long night on the booze that never ended. The people around them had complained but heated argument followed. My question is, where were park security during then night and why didn't they take control? It is a good park, but things like this really annoy me!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2014
but how about getting staff to wander around at night and tell them to stop.

I think thats as simple as it needs to be, but how often do you see park staff walking around ? I hardly ever see them out of the office at many parks these days.
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Jul 31, 2016
Not overly keen on bigger parks, much prefer a free camp scenario if we can get it but on our last trip, everyone was pretty well mannered.

The thing that really really pi55es me off is when people go camping and think the usual norms of society are suspended cause they are bush. Even worse than being on the grog till 3am making a racket is when people just leave camp sites a dump. Bottles and rubbish in fires, damaged grounds, trees damaged, driving 4WD's drunk; some people just turn into heathens.

Even worse than all this though is people who put out fires by covering it with sand or dirt. This does not put the fire out - it just continues to smoulder, sometimes for days. Kids then tread on them bare foot and do enormous damage. To put a fire our, use water and leave it open.

Final one - free campers who do not burn toilet paper. Bury business and burn the paper, it ain't that hard....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
We are blessed with about 20 kms of beach free camp, well you need a QNPWS permit and I can tell you the free campers have more than a fair share of feral mongrels, leave crap everywhere, drive like nutters and now that the holidays are finished and they crawl back to feral central we locals will pick up bags of rubbish as we travel the beach......Thankgoodness most of the folks are thoughtful and outnumber the mongrels, they clean up, even taking others rubbish............................being a gazzetted road is is good to see the hoons getting booked on the beach.

Dean Anderson

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
Isaac Region
How to have a less stressful caravanning experience with ferals

Technique 1: Simple meditation for beginners

· Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair.

· Close your eyes.

· Make no effort to control the breath; simply breathe naturally.

· Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation

Technique 2: No meditation required

· Aim between sights carefully

· Gently squeeze trigger, do not pull

· Dig hole in Belanglo forest

· Bury evidence

NOTE: Please seek legal advice before using the second technique


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014

Interesting how attitudes can change.

When we first started travelling, there were loads of stories about campers being hassled, attacked etc when free camping so we carried a gun! We thought we were doing the right thing, we were licensed and it wasn't visible in any way but we had to remember where it was when the car went in for a service....didn't want sticky fingers removing it.

We never ever used it or even considered using it.

We surrendered our gun, surrendered our licenses and continued camping and I'm very pleased we no longer have our Winchester as there are times, in some caravan parks, I'd be tempted to use it.

:focus::focus: :flypig::flypig:


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I'm very pleased we no longer have our Winchester as there are times, in some caravan parks, I'd be tempted to use it.

one of the main reason why I handed in my guns before I got married (well, gave them to my cousin)
the hassle of keeping them at home (not on his farm) keeping them safe

and the desire to use it on some other "things"


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
At the moment the people next to us arnt there so im unpluging his van each night due to a very loud fridge
AND im so ovee people walking through our site next time im bringing signs this is not a walkway unless you want to pay to use my site
Camp Ground EcoNinja. "Grasshopper, much you have learned"



Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
MMMMM....Unplugging some ones fridge??? I'd be seeking legal advice on that one as well....Could be as dangerous as using a revolver if someone gets food poisoning....
Sometimes communication is needed no matter how painful.
He wasnt there the hole week only turned up on the last it was a freezer so no one in there opening it it would have stayed frozen it was so loud carnt talk to him if hes not there and as if he would get s new freezer the van dosnt leave the park you couldnt tow it on the road so he wouldnt care less
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