General caravan park etiquette


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Ah least they've got Facebook!


and @davemc I wasn't having a go at you...I'm sure your miniature monsters are good individually but decibel challenged when en masse? That's normal!

the ones I've noticed lately, in camping situations, tend to

not all of them but an increasing percentage.

I'm sure they're not the offspring of anyone on this salubrious site.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
We always get people saying our kids well behaved I think they get us mixed up with other people.
Actually there not bad..

I remember when we up at GC one of the kids had a mini siren on his bike. He play with it early morning and late into the evening.
Pretty sure I was not the only one hoping the batteries would give out


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
its funny, we always think that it is our kids being the ring leaders in any mishap or trouble

and when people compliment us, its like "what.... my kids are good.... what drugs are you on............"

as a parent we expect far too much, and always presume the worst of our kids.......... when in fact they are really just normal


Active Member
Aug 16, 2016
Secret Harbour WA
We recently visited Walpole for our annual holiday and for the first year there they collected a $20 Doggy Deposit which they return on departure if your 'dog behaves' ; maybe they should introduce a Kids deposit? Parents may take more responsibility if they would lose their Kids Deposit if any complaints are received about their kids!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Or take up that option?

I'm not banging on about kids ... I like kids...I used to be one....but I'm more concerned with the lack of reasonable supervision of some of them by some parents.

When unsupervised, kids go ferel and get into risky situations and also impinge on others via noise or site invasion, because they're kids and need to learn!

It's only a few parents who seem to leave their kids supervision to everyone else in a caravan park and when others find that works, it's temping for it to escalate!

There's nothing better, when camping, to see kids and parents enjoying themselves together.

So simplistic. :o


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
What about the kids you hardly hear but you know their names as Mum is always screaming them out, makes more racket than the little darlings...........................................I once knew some people who would gladly book in for 3 days, pay the Kids deposit then leave on day 2 without the,lol...(not me)

When you stop at the office don't block the entrance for hate.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
When you stop at the office don't block the entrance for hate.

now doesn't that just rot your socks.....................................
and when they finally get in their "pride & joy" - have to talk about where they are going, seat belts, talk some more, start car, talk some more, then move off in the middle of the road, so you cannot get past them



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh.... Having a good day, are we?

I must be turning over a new leaf...temporary, I suspect....but some of the things I like are:

  • Seeing everyone in the family doing simple things together..washing up, cooking etc
  • Seeing the kids allocated a specific job in the set up and pack up...and doing it without being reminded
  • Seeing kids learning to tie ropes, set up fishing lines and all othe non technology things
  • Seeing kids read a real book
  • Seeing kids being confident enough to engage in a conversation with other campers
  • Seeing kids ride bikes safely...with a helmet on
  • Seeing dad and mum and the kids fishing together
  • Seeing sand areas, beachside camping only, being respected and not used as a kids' playground
  • Seeing kids cooking ....we've had kids camping near us make scones, then deliver to nearby campers..
  • Seeing grandparents interact positively with kids and all enjoying it
  • Seeing kids demonstrate good manners when going through doors, gates etc
  • Hearing kids say "thank you" and mean it

Maybe I'll stop there...just wanted to share some positive thoughts instead of being a GOF most of the time.



Well-Known Member
May 7, 2013
Bargo NSW
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh.... Having a good day, are we?

I must be turning over a new leaf...temporary, I suspect....but some of the things I like are:

  • Seeing everyone in the family doing simple things together..washing up, cooking etc
  • Seeing the kids allocated a specific job in the set up and pack up...and doing it without being reminded
  • Seeing kids learning to tie ropes, set up fishing lines and all othe non technology things
  • Seeing kids read a real book
  • Seeing kids being confident enough to engage in a conversation with other campers
  • Seeing kids ride bikes safely...with a helmet on
  • Seeing dad and mum and the kids fishing together
  • Seeing sand areas, beachside camping only, being respected and not used as a kids' playground
  • Seeing kids cooking ....we've had kids camping near us make scones, then deliver to nearby campers..
  • Seeing grandparents interact positively with kids and all enjoying it
  • Seeing kids demonstrate good manners when going through doors, gates etc
  • Hearing kids say "thank you" and mean it

Maybe I'll stop there...just wanted to share some positive thoughts instead of being a GOF most of the time.


How does one find this utopian society you speak of ? :hippie:


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2013
Bargo NSW
In my limited experience of caravan parks etiquette does not exist. Only way I can cope is flick my yobbo switch on and go with the flow.

It meant one night I had my teenage kids begging me to switch off the TV and go to bed. I told them there's no point, because the moron beside us has their TV still on under the awning, whilst they're on the phone ringing each of their 5 children telling them about the freakin weather and what they ate for lunch.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Yeah.....they're so boring and so loud ...have no consideration for others.

The worse ones we came across blessed almost the entire park with "the voice" and their cheers and comments meant nobody had an option but to put up with it.

The next day they told us they were the real grey nomads and could show those young families a thing or two. Don't know how as everyone avoided them like the plague.

They gave GOFs a bad name!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
I'm not opposed to politely asking to keep it down. Mostly we get 'oh sorry, didn't think' comments and all good. Occasionally we get the FU comment..

Had one instance in Myall lakes or there abouts - summer holidays and all the regulars on their regular sites. One lady been there forever and was self appointed queen. She would hold court - chair on her elevated cabin porch, and all the other regulars had to set up chairs on the raod way in a semi-circle around, and below her. It was the funniest sight. But wow she was loud. When she talked (yelled), all were quiet and listen - no overtalking thanks.
One night the missus had a migrane, one kid was sick as sick and both went to bed early. About nine I edged into the inner sanctum of the court and politely explained the situation and as they were only 5m from us, would they mind pretty please toning down. They were a freindly bunch and more than happy given the reason and expressed concerns for wife and sickling. Except the queen. Both barrels "its not after 10, how dare you tell me to be quiet" blah blah blah. Very nasty for the few days after that (and I reckon deliberately louder again). The other 20 odd in the group, lovely people.

Kids are the worst though -
Q "why are you playing cricket in front/against my van? Which is yours?"
A "down the way there - dads trying to sleep"
Q "so are we"
A "we're allowed to be here. theres no rules saying we can't. what are you going to do about it"

The neighbour took each of their (tennis) balls when they'd hit them in the door of his annex - well, after the first 20 times or so.

Same park, another kid riding his bike as we drove into the park, no helmet, and rode straight into the bullbar of my car too. I saw it coming, and stopped well in time. He didn't - looking back at his mates. In front of his friends, parents, and best; park management. He had to come over later and apologise and offer payment for the touch up paint. Just made him and his friends endure a short lecture on wearing of helmets - must've worked - they raced back to their vans and grabbed them.