Thread needed a Bump

I think ....................... so many folk would be starved for Jeep Info for sure.......

Van is all checked out to roll, so did a load check of the gear the Jeeperific carries, my trusty Aldi water transfer pump failed the test after years of sterling service, I couldn't resusitate it so instead of getting another I decided to order a 59lt water tank which will get put in the back of jeep when on the road, replacing the 3 jerry cans I used to lug around, I will just knock up a light ply house for it, so it doesn't get banged around, typical caravan tank but i will only use the breather and one of the small outlets which I will use to fill or drain from, pressure feed from mains with the breather plumbed to outside via a floor grommet, water spurts on road, tank is full, tap on both lines..... Only fill when needed and I think it will work well and should gravity feed to van tanks if not may just make a fitting to connect to breather line so I can add a few psi of air to push it, only needs a couple of psi......... certainly have good quality clamps in that case.
Only recent mod to the Jeep was I built a unit to replace something they called a Turbo Muffler, a plastic baffle device that fitted between Turbo and Intercooler, to keep noise down, some have split open, I always looked at it as a restrictive bit of BS, after market shiny job is in the $300 area,

so I got a muffler shop to knock me up a bit of pipe 55mm OD one end and 65mmOD the other,$15, I migged a bracket and some beads on pipe end to hold hose, 2 x turbo clamps $18, has had a good test run and works well, in fact I think the diesel sounds a lot better ............ gave it a 100K service a few months back time has flown, at least Covid, weather and bluddy Doctors have kept the mileage down, only 10K km this year with only a 1K with van so far and last year I think we managed 25k Km but it did do near 12K with van on back, saved on servicing and tyres................... 20 days and counting................. why not escape earlier ?, bluddy doctors of course....